🐍 The Mermafia Investigates

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"Today we had happy Kalim." Grim said as everyone piled into the guest room.

"Yes, that was the Kalim i know." Azul nodded.

"When he switches into scary Kalim his eyes get this look in them like he's looking down on you and his whole manner turns scary." Grim continued.

"Could that be just normal mood swings?" Jade wondered.

"What'd'ya mean?" Floyd asked.

"Kalim doesn't strike me as a guy like Floyd whose moods are up and down like a rollercoaster but... there is probably something else at work here." Jade explained.

"Jamil was saying that it's because of how Scarabia did in magift and the finals." Grim replied.

"Eh?" Floyd tilted his head. "Does Baby Otter care about that stuff?"

"Baby Otter?" Grim repeated.

"He's talking about Kalim." Jade explained. "Floyd likes to give people nicknames based on sea creatures to show affection."

"Aw, Floyd!" Gwen beamed at her boyfriend as she cuddled up with him. "That's so cute!"

Floyd reached out and grabbed Azul, pulling the shorter boy into his lap as well. Azul sighed, apparently used to this.

"For you, based on your adorable, plump silhouette he calls you Seally." Jade said to Grim.

"What is this plump business!?" Grim hissed.

"I picked baby otter 'cause he's always grinning while he plays drums, just like an otter." Floyd said, nuzzling into Gwen and Azul.

"Yes, he really isn't the type to become emotionally unstable due to low grades." Azul added. "I think it's very possible there is another reason for it. We need to learn more about Kalim if we are to solve this problem."

"Jade." Azul turned to him. "Could you go and have a talk with him?"

"As you wish." Jade nodded. "Jamil will probably be difficult but, Kalim should have no problem having an honest talk with me."

"Then while you're doing that, I'll have Sea Snake hang out with me." Floyd grinned.

"That sounds wonderful." Azul agreed. "May I also take part in that?"

The three began to chuckle.

"These guys, their smiles don't reach their eyes, y'know..." Grim shuddered.


Jamil slammed his door closed and leaned against it, sighing. "Here Kalim goes again, making decisions on his own. How hard is he going to make me work... crap. At least he's already asleep so there shouldn't be any more problems tonight."

Jamil pushed himself away from the door. "And Gwen not only ran away, she brought back those bastards! Damn, I'm so close..."

Jamil sighed.

Here comes a wave
Meant to wash me away
A tide that is taking me under
Swallowing sand
Left with nothing to say
My voice drowned out in the thunder

Jamil walked over to his window, looking outside. Why had he let Kalim out of his sight? Of course Kalim would have instantly confessed the moment he was unsupervised, the idiot wore his heart on his sleeve.

But I won't cry
And I won't start to crumble
Whenever they try
To shut me or cut me down

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