🐍 Jamil Viper

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"Jamil!" Gwen called, looking around in the darkness. "Jamil, where are you!?"

Gwen walked through the darkness, but this time she didn't hear Jamil's voice before she came across the door.

Gwen threw open the door and stepped into the hallways of what seemed like a palace.

A giggling young boy with white hair raced past her, looking excited.

"Aw! Kalim!" Gwen cooed at the sight of her friend as a child, following after him.

"Jamil! Let's go hang out!" Kalim called, sliding to a stop in front of another young boy. "Today's the day I beat you at this board game."

"Aw! Jamil!" Gwen cooed.

"Again?" Jamil sighed, shaking his head. "Seriously, Kalim, I'm gonna own you every time. I'd wanna play something else..."

"Hey, Jamil!" A woman snapped approaching the two. "Watch how you talk to Master Kalim!" She scolded harshly.

Gwen gasped as the woman actually slapped Jamil harshly. "He's a child!!" She shouted. "W-why... oh, Jamil!"

"Ow!" Jamil cried, rubbing the spot where he'd been hit.

Gwen stepped forward, wrapping her arms around the smaller boy.

"Thank you for deeming our foolish son worthy of so much of your time, Master Kalim." A man said, bowing deeply towards the young boy.

The woman followed his lead. "To be treating your servants with nothing but kindness without discrimination... this is surely the fruits of the master's superb upbringing."

Honestly, this display was making Gwen really uncomfortable, and it seemed to be making Kalim feel awkward as well, judging by the look on the kid's face.

A random door swung open, and Gwen regretfully left the two children, entering the darkness once more.

"Jamil!" Gwen called. "Wait for me! I'm coming!"

This time, Jamil's voice kept her company as she walked.

My earliest memory is that of watching my parents bow their head in submission to Kalim and his parents. I loathed seeing them like that.

Gwen came across another door and stepped inside. She entered a room where Jamil was sitting on a chair, being lectured by his parents.

"Listen well, Jamil." His father began. "Always make sure to keep a three to two losing streak. Don't just keep beating Master Kalim."

"You're a very smart boy." His mother said, patting his head. "So I'm sure you can imagine the position we're in... can't you?"

Jamil frowned, slowly nodding his head. "I understand." He replied, a blank expression forming on his face.

"Oh... Jamil..." Gwen walked over to hug him. "I can't imagine how hard this all must have been for you."

The door swung open, and Gwen left the room.

"Jamil! I'm almost there! Just hang on, okay!" Gwen called out, starting to look for him once more.

Jamil's voice greeted her once more.

Kalim's family is way above my own. So... that means he's above me. Therefore, whether it's grades, athletics, or games... I can never surpass Kalim. To keep pace with Kalim, I pretend to be incapable of anything.

Gwen came across another door. She found herself back in the hallway, an excited Kalim showing off a ribbon to Jamil.

"Jamil! Look at this." Kalim thrusted the ribbon in his friends face. "I got the top rank in that dance competition!"

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