🦁 Crowley's Task

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To say Riddle was concerned was an understatement. He gripped her hand tightly and rushed back to Heartslabuyl with her. "Trey!" He cried out.

Trey came out of the kitchen, looking worried. "What's wrong!?"

"Get Cater! And those two troublemakers! Little Rabbit needs us!" Riddle demanded, dragging Gwen up to his room. "And bring tea and sweets!"

Riddle demanded that Gwen sit down on his bed. The others quickly rushed in after them, Grim flying after them. They quickly joined the two on the bed.

"Oh, Gwen-Chan!" Cater cried. "What happened!?"

"Do you guys remember... how I told you I kept having weird dreams and sleepwalking? And I could see the ink filing up Riddle's heart?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah, but you said it stopped after he..." Trey's face paled. "Went into overblot."

"Gwen, did you see something?" Deuce asked.

"I saw ink filling someone's heart." She whispered. "I'm scared... I don't want to see that again!"

Riddle pulled her close. "We'll be with you Little Rabbit. We're going to keep you safe."

"Can I stay here?" Gwen asked.

"As long as you need Sweetheart." Trey assured her.

The rest of the day was spent cuddling and pampering Gwen. They all vowed then and there they would not let her get hurt by whatever would happen.


The next evening, Gwen and Grim were relaxing in the lounge of Ramshackle together. Well, Gwen was relaxing with a book Riddle had loaned her. Grim was moping.

Grim let out a long, despondent sigh. "I just don't wanna do anything. Nothing brings me joy if I can't play magift."

"Still not over that?" Gwen asked. "Look, do the face paint booth with me this year, and I promise that I will try to make sure you get to play next year."

The three ghosts floated in. "What's up Grim-y boy?" Larry asked. "What's got your fur in a bunch?"

"He's pouting 'cause they won't let him play in the magical shift tournament." Curly laughed.

"If you wanna play that bad, we'll play against you." Moe suggested. "We were players that drove the crowd wild 90 years ago!"

"We need a team of seven, right?" Grim asked.

"Doesn't matter since it's not official!" Larry assured. "Let's go."

"Wait for me!" Gwen called, saving her place in her book. "I wanna play too!" She raced after them.


Magift was so much fun! Gwen laughed as they raced around the lawn. Their game was interrupted by the sound of the gate opening and closing. Everyone paused and turned to see who was coming

"Hello everyone." Crowley called, walking up to the group. "Are you playing magical shift?"

Grim groaned. "It's the guy that always brings down the room."

Crowley gave a polite nod to the ghosts, who waved back. "I see your getting along well with the dorm ghosts. Splendid, splendid."

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