🐙 The Picture

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Azul woke up with a gasp. Looking around, he was cradled in Floyd's arms while Gwen was being held by Jade.

"Zuzu's awake!" Floyd wrapped his arms tight around Azul. "Don't you ever fucking do that again, do you hear me!?"

Jade scooted closer to the two. "Azul, how many fingers am I holding up?" He asked.

"Ei...ght?" Azul guessed.

"Okay." Jade nodded. "You appear to still be out of it, but I'm so relieved." He leaned over a pressed a kiss to the top of Azul's head. "We were able to stop your blot induced rampage."

"Jeez, pain in the neck." Leona rolled his eyes. "Is Kitten alright?"

Jade gently shook the still sleeping girl. "Damselfish?" He called.

Gwen's eyes fluttered open. "Hmm... Jade?" She rubbed at her eyes. "Azul!!" She leaned over to grab his hands. "You're okay! We did it!"

Azul pressed her hands against his face. "What... did I do?" He asked.

"You used magic so much that you overblotted." Jade informed him. "Do you remember?"

"Yeah, and then you frenched Shrimpy!" Floyd snickered. "Give me your strength~~ you were crying while running around sucking up people's magic. It was hard to look at, super uncool."

"I-I... went on a rampage..." Azul repeated. "I did what with Gwen!?"

Gwen blushed and squeaked, not making eye contact.

"Unbelievable..." Azul's face turned red as well.

"Anyone would be pissed if something they'd been working on for so long got erased right in front of them." Ruggie said. "If someone went and cracked open my piggy bank I'd never forgive them."

"But you gotta knock it off with the shady business, y'know." Grim added. "Shape up."

"And you should shape up and stop using test notes created by someone else!" Jack snapped.

"I'm still amazed you got Grim to score over 80." Gwen said. "Nobody else could have put those notes together."

"Eh?" Azul blinked.

"You're right." Ace agreed. "Azul's test notes got me a 90 even though I only spent one night pouring over them."

"Yeah." Deuce nodded. "It was a great secret weapon."

"The headmaster told us you made that by going through the past 100 years of test questions." Jack pitched in. "I can't say I approve of what you did but... your determination is crazy impressive."

"Hmph." A small bittersweet smile formed on Azul's face. "Your words don't bring me any sort of comfort."

"What now?" Floyd asked, shifting Azul in his arms. "Azul, are you getting a little misty eyed?"

"My my, have you gone back to being the ink-spitting-crybaby?" Jade teased, reaching over to pinch Azul's cheek.

"You two!" Azul snapped, pushing Jade's hand away. "You should be under contract to keep that confidential!"

"Oops, my apologies." Jade smiled.

"Ah, oh yeah." Jack suddenly remembered something. "We bought the photo of Prince Rielle just like you asked. Since the sun is still above the horizon, that makes this our complete victory."

"What's this a pic of?" Leona snatched the photo out of Jack's hands. "There's a bunch of tiny merfolk, I don't get it."

"Can I see?" Gwen asked. "I wanna see these three as babies!"

"An elementary school class photo...?" Ruggie asked. "What d'ya want this for?"

"Aha, this takes me back." Floyd ripped the photo away from Leona and Ruggie. "This is a photo from when we went there in elementary school. Me and Jade are right here."

Floyd held the photo where Gwen could see, pointing out himself and his brother to her. "And... nestled over in the corner is... baby Azul!" Floyd pointed.

"What!?" Everyone crowded around, trying to see.

"Waaaaah!" Azul cried, trying to squirm out of Floyd's tight grip and grab the photo. "Stop!!! Don't look! Please don't look!"

"Oya oya, Azul." Jade grinned. "You sure perked up quickly. Why don't you rest some more? Giving up now is the best idea."

"Which one?" Ace asked.

"Hiding in the corner..." Leona noted.

"Are you referring to the timid looking guy with octopus legs that's twice as thick as wide as any other mer..." Ruggie asked.

"Azul, were you really this chubby back in the day?!" Grim wondered. "Uh... Gwen... are you okay?"

Gwen had gone very, very still upon seeing the photo. Then she began to vibrate as a high pitched whine came from her. "AZUL!! YOU WERE SUCH A CUTIE!!" She squealed. "Oh~~~~ Look at tiny Floyd and Jade~~~ Azul, you were so round and cute!!! My heart can't take it~~~"

Azul's face turned a bright red, and he buried his face in his hands, letting out an embarrassed scream. "Angelfish, please!"

"I totally get how you feel." Deuce comforted. "Everyone has a past they want to erase! I didn't see anything! You guys should forget you saw anything!"

"Too late~" Gwen cooed. "Aw, it's hard to believe you two were ever so small, Jade."

"Ah, yes, we start off small, but we grow very quick." Jade replied.

"You should've seen us when we were just fry!" Floyd added.

"You really just go with the flow, huh." Jack said to Deuce.

"Shit...!" Azul cursed. "I was supposed to expand Mostro Lounge, make Angelfish my girlfriend, and completely delete my dark past at the same time... my plan was flawless...!"

"They say that those who chase after two rabbits will end up with neither." Ruggie replied.

"I've gone through and edited every other photo..." Azul lamented. "From the graduation albums to the film in photo studios. That photo from the church was the only one I couldn't legally get my hands on..."

"Stop going around and making others do your dirty work, y'know!" Grim chastised.

"The pic is totally fine." Floyd ran his fingers through Azul's hair. "I like the old Azul. You used to be so tasty looking."

"That is not the problem here!" Azul snapped.

"You don't have to hide it..." Gwen said. "You worked so hard."

"I'm done." Azul hiccuped. "I wanna hold up in an octopus pot."

"Oh! Do you still have one!?" Gwen asked. "You looked so cute in it as a child! Can I see the one you have now!?"


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