🐍 Extended Stay

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"Peeeeewwwww!!" Grim jumped on Gwen's shoulders. "That was a blast!"

"I'm glad you had fun." Kalim grinned, keeping an arm wrapped around Gwen's waist. "And it looks like it's already dinner time."

"Kalim!" Jamil came racing down the hall towards them. "You're finally back. Could you come with me, there's something I want you to check before dinner."

Jamil's eyes widened as he looked from Kalim to Gwen, taking in the scene. Kalim, who looked like the happiest man on earth with his arm around Gwen's waist. Gwen, who was still blushing and wearing Kalim's hoodie.

No. No. No. No. No! For once, couldn't Jamil have something for himself!? He knew exactly what would happen. Kalim and Gwen would start dating, and he'd have to stand to the side and watch as they loved each other.

Because Jamil was the servant. If Kalim loved Gwen, then Jamil was supposed to stand aside and let them be together. He was supposed to smile and pretend his feelings for Gwen didn't exist.

Not this time. For once, he wasn't going to stand aside for Kalim.

"Yeah sure." Kalim agreed, letting go of Gwen. "You guys can head to the lounge."

"Oh, do you want your hoodie back?" Gwen asked.

"Keep it! Looks cute on you." Kalim insisted. "Besides, I've got plenty in my closet!"

"Actually... Kalim, wait for me in your room." Jamil said. "I need to talk to Gwen in private."

"Sure." Kalim shrugged, leaving.

"Go ahead, Grim." Gwen said. "Get ready for dinner."

"Yum!!" Grim took off.

"What did you need, Jamil?" Gwen asked.


"The one you see before you is your master." Jamil began, looking Gwen in the eyes. "Answer when spoken to, bow your head to their orders. Snake Whisper."

"Hmm..." Gwen whimpered, her eyes becoming cloudy. "My head hurts..."

Jamil watched as Gwen's face became blank. "Out of all the idiots in this school you had to fall for, why him?" He wondered aloud.

Gwen didn't answer, which was fine, because Jamil didn't want to know.

"Kiss me." Jamil commanded.

Gwen wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned forward. Before her lips could make contact, Jamil covered her mouth with his hand.

"No." He said, Gwen freezing at his command. "Not like this. I can't do that to you."

Jamil took Gwen's hand and held it against his cheek. "If I'm going to kiss you, it will be after I get rid of that idiot. It will be when I'm finally recognized." He promised to her.

"For now..." Jamil gently leaned Gwen against the wall, releasing her from his spell.


"Hey, Gwen, are you okay?" Jamil's concerned voice rang through her head.

Gwen groaned, rubbing her head. "Did... what just happened?"

Jamil put a hand to her forehead. "I don't know. One minute we were talking, and the next you stumbled and fell against the wall."

"I think I blacked out..." Gwen felt strangely dizzy.

"You don't have a fever..." Jamil noted. "Let's get you something to eat and drink. You'll feel better then. I'll come check on you after I talk to Kalim."

Gwen nodded, going to the lounge. She wondered what she and Jamil had been talking about before she blacked out.


"I'm starving." One Scarabia student said. "I wonder what's for dinner today."

"Training kicked my ass." Another student complained.

"This place is heaven compared to Ramshackle Dorm with all its holes." Grim said. "Kalim's pretty great, too. I wanna live here."

Kalim and Jamil walked into the room.

Gwen's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. There was a strange look on Kalim's face.

"Is everyone here?" Jamil called, getting everyone's attention. "Before we eat, our dorm head would like to make an announcement."

"An... announcement?" A student asked.

"Oh yeah, earlier he mentioned..." Grim remembered. "Ending the training and letting everyone go home for the break. I'm sure Scarabia will be happy but I'm sure gonna miss being able to eat like this everyday."

All eyes turned to Kalim. The look in his eyes unsettled Gwen.

"Originally I had decided that we of Scarabia would spend our winter vacation studying for six hours a day but... I've realized..." Kalim began. "That is nowhere near enough!!!!"

"What!?" The entirety of Scarabia, including Gwen and Grim gasped.

Jamil looked stunned and confused. "Didn't you say you wanted to let everyone go home!?"

"That's not at all what he said earlier!" Grim said to Gwen.

"What made him change his mind?" Gwen wondered.

"There's no way we can catch up to the other dorms with only six hours a day." Kalim continued. "We can't clear our sullied name without twice, no, five times the effort! Starting tomorrow, all of us will study for five hours followed by four hours of practical training."

"Whaaat?" Grim's ears flattened. "That means they'll be working for nine hours a day!?"

"After dinner we'll practice defensive spells!" Kalim announced. "Don't drag your feet."

"Ye-yessir!" The students said in unison, all of them looking upset.

"Since you've been enjoying our hospitality you will take part as well!" Kalim said, turning to Gwen and Grim. "Understood?"

"Whaaat? Why us!?" Grim demanded.

Things are getting weird. Gwen thought, tugging at her sleeve. What's with him all of the sudden?

Jamil crossed his arms.

Two drops of ink filled an orange heart.

"Gwen?" Kalim knelt down next to her, concern all over her face. "Are you alright, Desert Lily? You went pale and started shaking!"

"What's wrong?" Grim asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Huh? His eyes and face look normal now... Gwen noted.

Kalim's eyes widened and he turned to Jamil. "Ah! Jamil, did you taste test the food!?"

"Kalim, we haven't even served dinner." Jamil pointed out, kneeling down to look at Gwen. "Maybe the heat got to her? It's hotter in the dorm than the rest of the school. Are you feeling alright?"

"I-I guess I'm still feeling a little dizzy." Gwen said, tugging at her sleeve.

"Make sure to drink plenty of water." Kalim said. "You should sit out of training as well. I'd hate it if you pushed yourself and passed out."

"Okay." Gwen agreed, looking back and forth between Kalim and Jamil.

Which one? Which one of you is falling into darkness? Can I save you before it's too late?

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