🦁 Dorm Leader Meeting

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"Then, let our meeting about the October Inter-Dorm Magical Shift Tournament commence." Crowley began. "First, I would just like to say that Miss Brookes has decided to run a face paint station during the tournament, since she cannot compete. Second, Octanvinelle Dorm's Mr. Ashengrotto has an announcement as the manager for the tournament."

Azul sat up straight, drawing all eyes on him. "Thank you for your time. To begin, for the installation of food stalls around the coliseum venue, all slot for both external enterprises and internal club activities have been filled."

Kalim, who was sitting on Gwen's left, beamed. "Oh! Very nice! It's going to be super lively."

Azul looked smug for a second. "Royal guests from every country have all been sent their invitations. General attendance tickets are also selling well. And applications from TV stations and newspapers are coming in like they do every year."

"This tournament is a big deal world wide." Kalim said to Gwen. "I got super excited for my invitation every year before I came here." He turned to Leona. "Since you're royalty you would've gotten one too, right, Leona? Maybe we passed by each other when we were little."

Leona had been resting his head on his arms. "Who knows. I don't care."

"I have to make sure my foundation is in perfect form for the ultra vision." Vil said. "Physical activity means I have to spend that much more time fixing it."

Riddle was sitting on Gwen's other side, an arm wrapped around her waist. "Pomefiore is the only dorm to take timeouts to fix their makeup."

Idia's tablet was there instead of him. "How can you all be so proactive about being in front of a bunch of people? Just thinking about it makes me wanna vomit."

Azul cleared his throat, looking irritated at their interruption. "Everyone, quiet please."

Kalim gave an apologetic grin. "Ah, sorry 'bout that."

Azul sighed. "As soon as every dorm has decided on their player line up, please make sure to submit all the paperwork. If the paperwork is late by even a day..."

"You'll be disqualified, correct?" Riddle asked. Gwen leaned into him. After the talk with Crowley... she didn't want to leave him right now.

"No." Azul replied. "I will accept a special processing fee. An express delivery fee, if you will."

"I think making a rule for exceptions like that is in bad form." Riddle replied.

Kalim laughed. "I'm grateful for it though!"

Gwen raised her hand. "Um, Azul, do I need to fill anything out?"

Azul beamed at her. "Oh, don't worry Angelfish!" Riddle tightened his grip on her at the nickname. "I'll take care of it! I'll just need you to sign a few forms."

"We're getting very off track." Crowley interrupted. "As for the tournament bracket... I'd like to share an idea."

"Idea?" Riddle asked.

"Starting from this tournament, I'd like the dorm head of Diasomnia, Malleus Draconia, to be inducted into the hall of fame at this time."

"Eh?" Kalim looked taken aback.

Everyone did actually. Except for Leona, who actually sat up and scowled, crossing his arms. "What's the meaning of this?" He growled.

Crowley seemed oblivious to Leona's mounting anger. "Since Mr. Draconia entered this school all dorm that have played against Diasomnia have been crushed without scoring a single point. Diasomnia scored over 100 points, more than 90% of which we by him."

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