🐍 Crowley's Dilemma

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The Mirror Hall was packed with student's and their bags by the time that Gwen and the other three arrived.

Gwen and Grim both had their overnight bags ready to go, while Ace and Deuce had their suitcases.

"There's already a bunch of people headed home." Deuce noted.

"They all look so antsy." Ace chuckled. "And the headmaster is..."

The group looked around, and their jaws dropped at the sight of Crowley.

"Oh golly!" Gwen's face turned red from second hand embarrassment. "What is he wearing!?"

Crowley was addressing the crowd of students. "Everyone, please make sure to keep a hold of your belongings as you enter the mirror chamber. If you let go for even a moment your things will end up in a completely different location. I recommend shipping anything you can't live without through the student store."

"He's in full vacay mode!!" Ace, Deuce, and Grim shouted in unison. Gwen snapped a pic with her phone.

"A Hawaiian shirt in the middle of winter!" Ace said. "This guy's ready to become a snowbird down south."

"He's not even trying to hide where he'd rather be." Deuce added.

"Where are we going that he's dressing like that!?" Gwen wondered.

"Hey you, Headmaster!" Grim called. "We're ready to go on the research trip!

"Oh? Perfect!" Crowley beamed. "Wait, research trip?"

"Yes." Gwen nodded. "This is supposed to be a research trip to find my way home."

"Ah! Aaaahhhh!!" Crowley's eyes went wide. "A way back to your world. Hahaha. Of course that's what we're doing on this trip. The plan is to expand our research by going down south to see what we can find. For I am very serious."

"That's not what people wear for research." Ace muttered.

"You just planned on the three of us taking it easy, didn't you?" Grim questioned.

"What are you talking about?" Crowley asked. "This is how they dress in the south. You have to try to fit in when you visit foreign lands. Escaping this cold and spending time gazing upon the ocean while drinking coconut juice from a hammock... I am most definitely not thinking about enjoying my time to the fullest."

"Y-you sure went into detail...!" Deuce stuttered.

"Sounds fun!" Grim cheered. "I can't wait to go!"

"You think you're going!?" Crowley asked. "Ahem... I mean, of course you're going as well, Grim! This is going to be a wonderful holiday together. Unfortunately, we might have a delay on our trip."

"What, why?" Gwen asked. "What's wrong?"

"A problem has come up." Crowley answered. "It is a crucial task that affects the very existence of Night Raven College."

"The existence of the school!?" Gwen repeated. "How bad is this problem!?"

"All of the fires around campus, from the cafeteria to fireplaces, are maintained by fire fae." Crowley explained. "They have been living in the main hearths in the main cafeteria for many years now... but if they are not given perfectly dried logs everyday they will disappear. Without those fire fae this school would be wrapped in a cold that would freeze it solid."

"I had noticed that even without a heater it's always nice and warm around here." Deuce said.

"So it was magic." Ace noted.

"There's a ghost that's supposed to be in charge during during long holidays but..." Crowley continued. "His daughter had a child this year it seems and has returned to the other side to meet his grandchild. So the problem is finding someone to do it in his stead."

"Ghosts can have children?" Gwen asked.

"Let's just call it a miracle of love and leave it at that..." Crowley answered. "Back to the point, this is crucial if we'd like the school to not be a popsicle when we return."

"Well... if you need a volunteer, Grim and I can do it!" Gwen volunteered.

"Eh!?" Crowley and the other three asked.

"But we've been planning this vacation for weeks!" Crowley said. "Why would you rather stay here?"

"I just have the feeling that something's going to happen, so I need to be here." Gwen replied.

"Somethings... going to happen?" Crowley repeated. "Miss Brookes, have you been having dreams again?"

Gwen was about to answer, but then she remembered what happened the last time she told Crowley she'd been having dreams.

I am smashing that damn mirror!

Gwen was 100 percent certain that if she told Crowley she had a dream, he'd make good on his threat. She couldn't let that happen.

"No, of course not!" Gwen lied with a big smile on her face. "I just meant that I had a feeling something good would happen! I got presents on my birthday! Maybe I'll be able to talk to them on Christmas!"

"Oh, I see..." Crowley looked relieved. "Well, if that's the case."

"Besides, you said it was important!" Gwen continued. "Grim and I can take care of this."

"But... but our feast!" Grim looked ready to cry.

"I'll arrange for a delicious meal to be delivered, and that you'll have food over the break." Crowley assured.

Grim pouted. "This was supposed to be a fun vacation."

"Don't worry Grim!" Gwen said. "We'll have a nice celebration with the ghosts. I'll even recreate some of my holiday traditions with you."

"Alright then." Crowley nodded. "You have my number, correct?"

"Of course!" Gwen replied.

"Good." Crowley said. "If anything happens or if you need anything, please do not hesitate to call me."

"I will." Gwen promised.

"Now then, I have to make sure everyone gets home safely, so if I don't see you again before I leave, stay safe and have a happy holiday." Crowley said, walking away.

"Bye Dad, have fun!" Gwen waved.

"Goodbye dear." Crowley replied.

Both of them froze in place. Crowley dashed back to the center of the room. Gwen's face turned red as she buried her face in her hands.

"I said that..." She felt so embarrassed. "Oh, I hope he forgets I said that over the break."

"There, there." Ace patted her back.

"I'm sure it's not the first time a student's slipped up." Deuce comforted.

"Well, at least we're gonna have a feast over the holiday." Grim tried to cheer her up.

"Well, at least we know where to send the presents." Ace said.

"Oh! That reminds me!" Gwen pulled out her paintbrush and ink. "I have presents to hand out!"

Flicking her paintbrush in the air, she summoned the sack of presents she had left in her room. "I need to hand these out before you guys go!"

Gwen held up her ink bottle and frowned. It was empty. "That was my last one. I should really get some more before Sam leaves."

Gwen opened up the sack and pulled out to presents, handing them to Ace and Deuce. "Here you go boys!"

"Aw, thanks!" Deuce beamed.

"You're such a sweetheart." Ace teased.

"Hey hey!" Ruggie called, laden with boxes as he made his way through the crowd. "No standing in the middle of the road, move move!"

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