🦁 Tournament's End

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Gwen slowly opened her eyes to see an unwelcome, familiar sight. She was in the infirmary. Again. "I do not like this pattern."

"Ah, you're awake!" Grim grinned as Gwen sat up.

"What happened?" Gwen asked, exasperated.

Ace, who was sitting besides her, grabbed her hand. "You passed out in the second half of our match after Grim nailed you in the head with your disc." He explained. "Do you remember?"

"I was trying to score with a super long shot." Grim admitted.

"Newbies shouldn't try stuff like that." Jack chastised, leaning against the wall.

Deuce stroked Gwen's hair. "Anyway, I'm glad you woke up." He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "We were really worried about where you got hit since you didn't wake up for so long."

"You've been asleep for so long that the closing ceremony is long over and they've already started dismantling the venue." Ace admitted.

"No! I missed everything?" Gwen felt crushed. "I was finally looking forward to playing! Which dorm won? How did Savanaclaw do?"

"The champion was Diasomnia." Leona said. Gwen looked around to see that Leona and Ruggie were both sleeping in beds on opposite sides of the room.

"Uughh." Ruggie groaned. "In the end we didn't stand a chance. The other dorms were all a mess so this year's tournament was a shit show. Plus, Diasomnia was super pissed off and unnaturally aggressive. I guess they're still pissed about feeding you nuts."

"Leona, Ruggie!" Jack stood up off of the wall. "Are you finally awake?"

Leona scowled. "Tch... I can't believe I'm using an infirmary bed for something other than a nap."

"The fact that not a single person from Diasomnia is in here really ticks me off." Ruggie grumbled.

"I heard the rumors but Diasomnia's dorm head is stupid good." Ace said.

"Yeah, it was something else." Deuce agreed. "I wish you could've seen it, babe."

"I totally get why no one can imagine beating him." Ace added.

"Hmph. No one can win if they give up before they even try." Jack retorted. "I'm definitely going to beat Diasomnia next year. Without using underhanded tactics, only my own strength."

Leona gave him an unamused look. "Hmph. Underhanded tactics require one's own strength, y'know?"

"You don't seem like you've learned your lesson..." Gwen glared at him. "Do you feel bad at all?"

"Feel bad?" Leona asked. "What do I have to feel bad for? I gave my all to win this year. And I'll give my all again next year."

Ruggie snickered. "Shishishi! That's the Leona we know."

"Now I'm already worried about next year..." Jack bemoaned.

"I'm gonna be in the tournament for real next year!" Grim vowed.

"We've gotta do our best to make sure we get a spot on the team next year, too." Deuce added.

"You're right." Ace agreed. "I don't wanna stand out for being dumb like this year."

"Aah! Oji-tan! I found you!" An adorable voice cheered. Everyone turned to look at the doorway as the little boy bounced into the room.

"Hm? Who's this kid?" Grim asked. "He looks familiar?"

The little boy dashed over to Leona's bed and started to climb up it. "Oji-tan Leona!"

"Ah... crap. Another annoyance." But Gwen noted that despite his tone, Leona bent over to help the little boy join him on the bed.

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