The Great Grim

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Gwen woke up to darkness. Her first instinct was to look around, but she found her movements restricted. Gwen felt around, trying to see where she was. Am I in a coffin?!

"Hello?!" She called out. "Can someone let me out now?" Surely there was someone close by to let her out. She wasn't dead after all.

"Crap! People are coming! Gotta find a uniform." She heard a voice say. The coffin began to shake. The voice growled.

Gwen was about to speak, but the voice was interrupted. "This is too heavy! Time for my secret move then!"

The coffin suddenly became a lot hotter as blue flames licked around the edges. Gwen shrieked and thrust her hands out, knocking the lid of the coffin onto the ground. She fell forward onto her knees and came face to face with a raccoon-cat looking creature. "A cat?" Gwen wondered aloud.

The creature looked shocked. "Why are you awake?!" He demanded. "Never mind that! Give me your uniform!"

Gwen looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a rather lovely and comfortable robe. Wait... she doesn't remember putting this on. What was she wearing before?

"Where am I?" She asked.

The cat blinked. "You don't know?" The he grinned and laughed. "That makes it even easier on the Great Grim! Human, give me your uniform... or else I'll roast ya!"

Gwen did the natural thing. "Help!" She screamed, bolting out of the room.

"Wah?! Hey! Human get back here!" Grim shouted, chasing after her.

Gwen ran as fast as her legs could carry her through the halls. Grim chased after her, sending fire everywhere. "Help!" Gwen screamed again, rounding a corner.

SMACK! Gwen slammed into something and fell backwards. "Hey! Watch it!" Someone snarled. Gwen looked up to see five boys in robes looking down at her.

"Sorry!" She squeaked in return.

"Eh!? A girl?!" A boy with white hair and glasses gasped. Gwen noticed a beauty mark on his chin.

Another boy with white hair and ruby eyes knelt down and offered a hand. "Are you okay miss? Why were you running?"

Gwen took his hand and let him lift her back to her feet. "There's some kind of... raccoon cat monster chasing me!" She explained, right as Grim rounded the corner.

"Human!" The cat hissed. "Gimme that robe!"

Gwen ducked behind the tallest boy, who had tan skin and green eyes. "Why do you want this so badly!? I'm pretty sure I'm not even wearing anything underneath!"

She heard some of the boys make a choking sound. The boy she stood behind growled. "You know, I think I'll help myself to a little snack."

Grim reacted by blowing fire. "Get down!" One of the boys shouted. Gwen panicked and bolted away, rushing down the halls again. "Hey! Wait!" She heard someone call to her.

Gwen turned corner after corner, getting lost among the twisting corridors. Finally, she ran into a random room, noting it was a library.

Gwen stopped to catch her breath, hoping she was safe for now. A blue fireball launched above her head. "Golly!" She yelped, jumping back in shock as Grim came into the room.

"Ha! Thought you could escape my powerful nose?" Grim looked smug. "Now if you don't want to get roasted, I suggest you hand over that robe!"

Gwen flinched as Grim approached. Suddenly, the crack of whip rang through the air, and a black rope wrapped around Grim. "Hah?! What's with this rope?!"

"That is no mere rope!" A voice replied. Gwen looked to the entrance of the library to see a man wearing a top hat and bird mask at the doorway. "That is my Lash Of Love!"

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