🍎 Sweet Serenade

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Two days later, Vil and Rook were inside the Mostro Lounge discussing the VDC. Eventually, Vil realized that his boyfriend's attention had drifted away.

"Rook, can you go five minutes without ogling the Leech Twins?" Vil snapped in annoyance.

"Non, non, my Roi de Poison!" Rook shook his head. "You are mistaken. It is my Petit Oiseau Chanteur who has drawn my eye."

Vil turned in his seat to see Gwen dashing around the room, taking orders and delivering plates. Apparently Azul had her working there a lot, judging by the Octavinelle uniform specifically tailored for her.

"What do you see in her?" Vil asked, turning back to face Rook. "She really doesn't stand out that much from the others who have caught your eye."

Rook's smile only widened.

She's resplendent, so confident
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

The two watched as Gwen looked up at the clock. She took off her apron and handed both it, and her notebook over to Jade. Floyd caught her on her way out the door to give her a quick kiss.

I realize I'm hypnotized
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

Rook stood up and put some madol on the table. Taking Vil's hand, the hunter led him after Gwen.

I hear the moon singing a tune
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

The two watched as Gwen skipped out of the mirror hall, picking up that cat she was never seen without.

Is she devine? Is it the wine?
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

Rook and Vil followed Gwen into the botanical garden, watching as she carefully looked at the different flowers. She gently plucked a select few, forming a small bouquet.

I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, the Seine and I

Rook and Vil watched as Gwen hunted down Riddle, handing him the bouquet she made. Riddle took a moment to look over all the flowers before smiling and pulling Gwen into a hug, giving her a kiss.

I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, the Seine and I

Vil smiled down at Gwen as she went into deep detail about a topic to Grim.

I feel alive when I'm beside
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

Rook turned to Vil with an overjoyed expression on his face. Vil leaned on the railing, resting his chin in his palm as Gwen started to laugh.

From this angle like an angel
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

Rook began to tug at Vil's sleeve, dragging him towards the stairs.

I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, the Seine and I
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, the Seine and I

Gwen was gone by the time they got downstairs, but Rook's keen eyes were able to spot her purple headband in the distance. The two gave chase once more, Vil being swept up in Rook's excitement.

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