🐍 Jamil Support Squad

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"Gwen, Grim." A voice called. "Time to wake up."

"No~" Gwen pulled the blanket back over her head. "No more marches..."

"Ffgya... march to the oasis?" Grim repeated.

"Damselfish." Jade pulled the blanket away. "Time to get up."

"Okay, okay..." Gwen slowly sat up. "Tell me it's not another march..."

"We're up this early precisely to avoid that." Azul said, coming over to give Gwen a good morning kiss. "It's time to go."


"Good morning Kalim." Jade greeted respectfully.

Kalim snored peacefully in his bed. "Mmhh... Jamil?" He yawned. "Mornin'."

"No, I would be Jade." Jade corrected. "I suppose our names do have a certain similarity to them. Fufu."

"Eh... huh?" Kalim sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What're you all doing here?"

"I've prepared you a change of clothes and some tea to help wake you up." Jade said. "Time to start the day."

"Eh? Eeh?" Poor Kalim looked so confused. "What? Huh? Jamil?"

"Worry not." Azul said assuringly. "We are more than capable of helping you get changed."

"What!?" Gwen started to blush at the idea of Kalim changing in front of her.

There was a knock at the door before it opened and Jamil walked in.

"Kalim it's about time for you to... what?" Jamil looked around the room. "Azul, Jade, what're you doing in here with Grim and Gwen?"

"Aah, Jamil!" Azul beamed at the vice dorm head. "Good morning. Feel free to take it easy and sleep in this morning. For we will cover looking after Kalim for you every day until the end of vacation."

"Huh...!?" Jamil's eyes went wide.

"Our conversation last night made me realize something." Azul said. "In all of Scarabia, the one who works the hardest is... none other than you, Jamil!"

"So far you have been allowing us to stay here free of charge." Jade added. "Therefore we tried to think of something we could do to repay that kindness."

"We call ourselves, the Jamil Support Squad!" Grim declared.

"Th-that's a stupid..." Jamil looked baffled.

"You're such a hard worker Jamil!" Gwen praised, completely sincere. "You deserve a break for once!"

Jamil pulled his hood closer around his face, suddenly unable to make eye contact with Gwen. "That's not necessary." He insisted.

"Oh, oooohh... OOOOHHHH~~~!!" Kalim hopped out of bed, looking extremely excited. "That's a great idea! I've been trying to come up with a way to lessen your load for a while now."

"Kalim, those feelings as the master are truly beautiful." Jade praised. "I would love for Azul to follow in your footsteps."

Azul laughed. "Jade, you really need to learn when to shut your mouth." He glared at his boyfriend before turning back to Jamil. "Anyway, please leave the rest to us and enjoy your time off."

"Let them do this, Jamil!" Kalim insisted. "This is awesome for you!"

"Yes, yes, Jamil." Jade began to push both Jamil and Gwen out of the room. "Please return to you quarters and go back to sleep if you'd like. Perhaps if you'd like, Damselfish can tuck you in."

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