🐙 Under the Sea!

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"Breakfast after a good workout is amazing, y'know!" Grim said cheerfully. "I crave meat more than usual. Nom nom."

"I still can't believe you made a deal with that octo-punk." Leona shook his head. "Least I get a new pillow."

"It was the only way to save all of the anemones!" Gwen said. "I just... didn't think I'd lose so much."

"Those idiots dug their graves." Leona replied. "You should've left them to their fates."

"There was that rumor about how amazing Azul's test notebooks were." Ruggie recalled. "I can totally understand why someone would want it."

"Does that mean you two didn't make a deal with Azul for the tests?" Jack asked. "Leona seems like the one who'd wanna take it easy the most... ah, no, never mind."

"Idiot." Leona scowled. "Ever since I gave Gwen..." Leona paused, looking guilty. "Azul's had it out for me and Ruggie. If I ever went into the Mostro Lounge, the twins would rip me to shreds. Besides, who in their right mind would make a deal with that cheating bastard because they want to? Yes, I made a deal with him but the conditions weren't anything crazy."

"Yeah, but the consequences were godawful!" Ruggie scowled, remembering the sabotaged potion. "He's not the kind of guy you wanna rely on casually. But he is a skilled wizard that can make even the most outlandish wishes come true."

"When making a deal, the one who wants something has the disadvantage." Leona said, giving Gwen a pointed look. "There's any number of ways to dupe herbivores that can't think on their feet and will sign a contract without considering it carefully."

"Now I'm really nervous about this." Gwen admitted. "Can we beat him..."

"Tell me about it." Leona demanded. "What kind of condition did he give you?"

Gwen filled Leona and Ruggie in on the contract and it's conditions.

"By the time the sun sets on the third day..." Leona repeated.

"Sneak into the Atlantica Memorial Museum and take a certain picture..." Ruggie echoed. "You have... my condolences."

"You shouldn't say stuff like that when the game has just begun, y'know!" Grim hissed.

"To begin with, isn't the Atlantica Memorial Museum under water?" Ruggie pointed out. "How exactly do you plan to get there?"

"Azul gave us a potion that'll let us breathe underwater." Grim replied.

"Actually... he gave us a small bag of them." Gwen noted. "He said something like... three days, multiple attempts, multiple potions."

"We don't know how well they'll work, though." Jack added.

"It'll work just fine if it's from Azul." Ruggie said nonchalantly. "I don't think his pride would let him make a subpar potion. Plus, there's no way he'd put Kitten in danger."

"Hmph. Then shouldn't you hurry up and get a move on?" Leona asked. "Time is money, they say."

"Ffna! Oh yeah." Grim realized. "We should get to the Atlantica Memorial Museum ASAP!"

"You're right." Jack agreed, standing up. "We've only got three days. There's no time to drag our feet."

"We'll meet up with Ace and Deuce on the way." Grim hopped onto Gwen's shoulder. "We're off!"

The three took off running.

"Ahhhahhh, there they go." Ruggie sighed. "Leona, you're so mean."

"Hah, I don't know what you mean." Leona smirked. "If Kitten gets in over her head, then I'll bail her out."

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