🐍 Desert March

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Gwen woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming through the windows. Grim snored away next to her.

"Mmggh... I don' need no more crackers... mmmyyaa..." Grim snored.

Gwen smiled, sitting up and stretching. Yawning, she got out of bed and grabbed some clothes to change into.

The door rattled and clanked before slamming open.

"How long do you plan to stay asleep!?" Scarabia A shouted as he barged in.

Gwen shrieked. "Why didn't you knock first?!" She demanded. "I was about to start changing."

Scarabia A's face turned crimson. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" He cried. "Please forgive me! I promise to knock first next time!"

"What's going on?" Grim asked, jumping awake. "It's only 6am, y'know."

"We will march ten kilometers to the East Oasis this morning!" Scarabia A reminded.

"You want us to walk ten kilometers over hot sand?!" Grim gasped. "Why do we have to?"

"Stop your whining, you've been ordered to join by the Dorm Head!" Scarabia A snapped. "So come!"

"Not in my pajamas!" Gwen squeaked.

"O-of course!" The boy choked. "Just... knock on the door when you're ready."

"Thank you... wait, I don't know your name." Gwen realized.

"It's Omar." He introduced. Then he grabbed Grim and dragged him out.

"Ffgyaa!" Grim shrieked. "No way no way~ let go of me!"


"I think you're forgetting something." Jamil smiled.

"Huh?" Gwen tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Sunscreen." Jamil replied, holding up a bottle. "I'm making sure everyone puts some on before we go."

"Oh, right!" Gwen giggled. "I'd hate to get a sunburn. Here hand me the bottle- oh."

Gwen blushed as Jamil squirted some onto his hand. Then Jamil blushed.

"I have to do this for Kalim all the time." Jamil explained, looking embarrassed. "It's second nature at this point."

"Well... I mean... you already put some in your hand..." Gwen's face felt like it was on fire.

Jamil quickly made quick work of putting sunscreen on her, looking as embarrassed as she felt.

After they were done, Kalim came rushing up to them. "Are you feeling better Desert Lily?" He asked.

"I'm feeling a lot better today, don't worry!" Gwen assured him.

Kalim frowned, looking her over. "I dunno, your face is pretty red." He replied. "Ah! I know! Come ride on the elephant with me!"

"You have an elephant!?" Gwen gasped, feeling excited.

Kalim laughed and grabbed her hand, running off with her to show her.

Jamil scowled as they ran off.


"You can ride with me on the hike, that why you can stay in the shade." Kalim said, helping Gwen get on the elephant.

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