🐙 Collateral

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Azul led Jack and Gwen back to the VIP room, somewhere Gwen had only been once.

"What's with this place... are we still in school?" Jack asked. "There's a big vault in the back... looks like a bank."

"Don't just stand there in the door." Azul said, taking a seat. "Please take a seat." He waited for them to seat before continuing. "And? What did you want to discuss with me?"

"Please remove the anemones and set the students free!" Gwen begged.

Azul blinked before chuckling good-naturedly. "Ha ha ha, this is yet another... rather tyrannical request all of a sudden. You want me to release all 225 students I've already made contracts with."

"225 people!?" Jack's jaw dropped. "You've made that many?"

"This year Jade and Floyd were were extremely thorough with their work..." Azul replied. "Thanks to that I was able to make deals with so many clients. Well then, Angelfish, you say that you want me to free all of those students but I'm not making them do any work that goes against labor standards. They agreed to my terms before signing the contract. Contracts aren't something easily nullified because someone else thinks they're pathetic. In other words... you're already too late."

"I heard you'll grant any wish if someone makes a deal with you." Gwen replied. "So I'll make a deal."

"Hey, what're you thinking!?" Jack demanded.

"Ohh, you want to make a deal?" Azul looked over at her greedily. "That is an interesting idea."

"Aha. Little Shrimp, you've got guts." Floyd beamed.

"Ffhmm. I understand that you want to make a deal with me but..." Azul trailed off. "What could you offer, that is worth 225 employees and their unique magic? If you wish to make large demands, then you'll have to come up with a suitable collateral."

Gwen took a deep breath. "Something you wanted for a while." She started. "Ramshackle Dorm."

"What!?" Jack turned to look at her. "Gwen, are you kidding!?"

"Interesting." Azul raised an eyebrow. "Why your own dorm?"

"Jade and Floyd told me when we first met that you had your eye on Ramshackle dorm." Gwen explained. "You wanted an expansion of the Mostro Lounge."

The doors banged open. "I'm on board with that!!!!" A soaking wet Grim rushed into the room.

"Grim!" Gwen held out her arms for the bubble covered monster to jump into.

"I'm do-done living like this!" Grim shivered in Gwen's arms. "My fur is not made for dishwashing."

"Grim." Jade crossed his arms. "I'm not very impressed with employees skipping work in order to eavesdrop on people's conversations." He turned to his brothers. "Floyd, do the honors and throw him out."

"Alri~ght." Floyd approached the two, reaching out to grab Grim.

"Now now, hold on a moment, you two." Azul called. He turned his attention on Gwen and Grim. "Angelfish, you and your only resident are in agreement on this. However... Ramshackle dorm will not be enough."

"Gwen... save me..." Grim whimpered.

"Hey, Sirus. Stop now!" Jack warned. "No matter what this contract puts you at a disadvantage."

"What else would work?" Gwen asked.

Azul held out his hand, and a contract appeared. Gwen took it and read through it. Her eyes widened.

"My paintbrush?" She asked.

"You see, Angelfish, your magic is very impressive." Azul grinned. "The ability to create anything... limited only by your imagination... why wouldn't I want it?"

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