Interlude: Queen's Wrath

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Gwen grabbed some pajamas and went into the bathroom to change. Thank goodness that the bathroom still had a working lock. As she undressed, it occurred to Gwen that she had yet to fully look at herself in the mirror.

Gwen looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes trailed down from her face to her chest. She gasped. Her upper chest was horribly, horribly scarred. Especially the area around her heart. Shakily she rose a hand to the area.

Phantom pain exploded across her chest. Gwen screamed in pain, feeling like something was clawing her chest open.

"Gwen!" Ace called. "Hey, Gwen! Are you okay?!"

"Gwen?!" Deuce pounded at the bathroom door. "Hey! Open up!"

Gwen curled up into the fetal position, crying. "Help!" She called. "It hurts!"

"Let us in!" Grim demanded. "I'll burn down the door!"

"What, no!" Ace protested. "Let's get the ghosts!"

"Gwen, Ace and Grim are getting the ghosts." Deuce told her. "I'll stay with you. What's hurting you?"

"Chest..." Gwen whimpered.

"Your chest? Okay... don't worry." Deuce told her. "The ghosts are coming."

"Miss Brookes... GAH?!" She could hear Moe. "Sorry!" That's right... Gwen was naked. "Avert your eyes boys!"

A towel covered Gwen up. "It's okay Miss Brookes." Larry assured her. "We've got you."

Eventually Gwen's shaking stopped and she was able to move. The pain was gone. "Thank you." She whispered hoarsely.

Gwen slowly stood up, keeping the towel wrapped around her. "I'm gonna get dressed now."

"Okay." Curly said. "We'll let the boys know you're alright now." The ghosts flew threw the doors.

Gwen quickly got dressed, throwing on a pair of shorts and a tank top. She unlocked the doors and stepped out.

"GWEN!" The three boys cried and pulled her into a hug.

"We were about to go get the teachers!" Ace told her.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Grim snuggled into her.

"What happened?!" Deuce demanded.

Gwen pulled away, letting them see. The tank top covered most of the scars, but you could see the top of them. "It just... really hurt all of a sudden." She explained.

The boys gasped. "What... what happened here?" Deuce asked.

Gwen's eyes teared up. "I don't know!" She confessed. "I just remember that it really, really, really hurt..."

"Does it hurt now?" Ace asked.

"No..." Gwen rubbed her chest. "I'm fine now." She rubbed her eyes. "Can we just... go to bed?"

"Okay." Grim agreed. "I'm tired anyway."

Ace and Deuce started to walk down the hall. Ace paused. "Hey, wait!" He turned to Gwen. "Can't I get another good night kiss?"

"Wah?!" Deuce blushed. "A good night kiss?!"

"Oh. Oh! Right!" Gwen walked towards Ace. "I almost forgot."

Ace leaned down a little so Gwen could easily press a kiss to his cheek. "Good night Ace!"

"Good night Girlie!" Ace beamed, a slight flush in his cheeks.

Deuce just stood there as Ace went off to bed. "Um... Gwen... could I... I mean..." He trailed off, looking nervous.

"Do you want a bedtime kiss, too?" Gwen asked. Deuce nodded. "Silly, there's no need to be nervous!" Gwen walked over to Deuce and stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheeks. "Goodnight Deuce."

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