🐙 Home At Last

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"Anyway." Jack interrupted. "We brought the photo as promised. We cleared all of your conditions."

"Well, the contract is already dust in the wind, though." Grim pointed out.

"But you know, I'm not cool with stealing." Jack continued. "Azul, isn't it your policy to keep your dealings legal, right. Take responsibility and get it back to where it belongs."

"I'll go with you!" Gwen offered. "We'll all go together!"

"Understood." Azul nodded. "But at least let me run it through some editing software to erase my shame..."

"Hah, you don't know when to give up." Leona shook his head.

"He's right." Jade said. "Memories are to be treasured."

"So when're we gonna go?" Floyd asked. "We're all going, right. I'm so excited! We haven't been there since elementary school."

Grim suddenly began to sniff the air, drawing everyone's attention.

"Hm?" Ace looked over at the monster. "Why are you sniffing around on the ground, Grim?"

"My gourmet hunter senses are tingling..." Grim replied, sniffing at the ground. "My favorite pitch black truffle has fallen somewhere around here!"

"Are you a pig?" Ace asked.

"Ffgna! Found the black rock!" Grim held it up victoriously in his paws. "The nose of the Great Gourmet Hunter cannot be fooled!"

"A black rock?" Leona asked.

"Thanks for the food!" Grim cheered, before stuffing the rock in his mouth. "Omm nom! Mmmm... it starts out heavy and rich but then there's a punch of saltiness... I'll never get tired of this flavor! Y'know!"

"Grim!" Gwen snapped. "Spit it out!!"

"Are you eating crap off the ground again!?" Deuce shouted in disgust.

"There's no point trying to stop him, we just have to accept that monsters have different tastes." Ace shook his head.

Leona crossed his arms, a contemplative look on his face. "Is that raccoon always eating black rocks off the ground?" He asked.

"Ugh, yes." Gwen wrinkled her nose. "Anytime he finds one. Grim is such a glutton."

"Is something the matter, Leona?" Jack asked.

"Nah." Leona shook his head. "It's nothing."


"Thank you for letting me stay here, my king." Gwen said as she packed her bags.

Leona grinned from the bed, watching her pack up all her things. Maybe he'd steal a scarf or something, so he'd still have something in his room that smelled like her. He'd gotten used to waking up with his Kitten besides him.

"It'll be nice to be back in my own bed." Gwen said, zipping her bag closed. "I hope my trees okay. I asked the ghosts to water it for me, so it should be fine."

"You know, the rest of those punks were on their best behavior with you around." Leona replied. "They're gonna be obnoxious once you're gone."

"Hehe!" Gwen walked over to the bed. "You'll handle it!" She leaned down and kissed him, making Leona purr.

"Stay here longer and kiss me more." Leona said.

"Sounds tempting." Gwen teased.

"GWEN!!" Grim slammed the door open. "Can we go home now!?"

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