🍎 Jamil's Resolve

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"Squishy Pus?" Jamil repeated to himself, smirking up at Azul. "How interesting. May we all call you that, or is that a privilege reserved for Lotus Blossom only?"

"Shut up!" Azul hissed. "No one should be calling me that!"

Jamil helped Gwen pull off her shoes before standing up to face Azul. "What d'you want?"

"Should you really make such a disgruntled face when talking to one of your classmates?" Azul replied, though his eyes seemed to rest solely on Gwen's legs as she began to massage her feet.

"You're on duty for class today, right?" Azul confirmed. "Apparently, this afternoon's magic history lesson will be self study. Mr. Trein would like you to pick up the worksheets from the faculty office."

"Got it." Jamil nodded. "I'll head right over."

"Oh yeah, didn't Azul out Jamil's schemes to the whole world on his magicame?" Grim asked. "What happened after that? Shouldn't they hate each other instead of being besties?"

Gwen let out a whimper, rubbing over a particularly tender spot on her leg.

Azul knelt down before Gwen, taking one a dainty foot in his hands and beginning to massage the tired limbs. "Don't get the wrong idea, Grim." He began. "That was just a little performance so he couldn't talk his way out of the situation."

"Ffgna!?" Grim's eyes widened in surprise.

"Did you really think someone as deeply benevolent as I would ruin my classmates's life like that?" Azul smirked, his eyes solely focused on his task.

"I could see you doing it." Jamil said.

"Someone deeply benevolent wouldn't tell lies like that in the first place." Grim pointed out.

Azul chuckled, turning his attention to Gwen's other leg. "In actuality I was simply on the phone with Jade that day." He revealed. "Unlike Leona, I don't find joy in going overboard to defeat my opponents."

Gwen could tell Azul was remembering having to watch as his contracts dissolved into sand. She leaned down to peck his forehead.

"I don't go around devaluing secrets I've managed to get my hands on." Azul continued.

Jamil sighed. "Why'd you put it like that... but you're right." He took a seat on the bleachers next to Gwen. "I hate to say it, but thanks to his benevolence my parents and the Asim family... don't know the real reason for my Overblot. Since then..."

"But why Dorm Head?!" Omar demanded. "How can you not want to change vice dorm head?"

"He deceived all of us and you!" Zayn pointed out.

"You never know when he'll try to pull something like that again, you should get rid of him!" Nanda argued.

"I guess you're all worried about me." Kalim gave the students sitting before him a small grin. "Thanks for that! Thing is... he's not the only one to blame for what happened. I am too."

The crowd exchanged bewildered looks. Kalim continued on, undeterred.

"Besides, I don't think anyone in Scarabia can say that they've never been helped out by him at least once." Kalim continued.

"Well, that's..." Omar quickly trailed off.

"I guess he did give me good advice whenever I had trouble..." Zayn reluctantly admitted.

"Right?" Kalim's grin widened. "There's no one better for the spot. He's even better than me, way better. He got overwhelmed with negativity for a while but he's really capable."

Kalim's smile started to fade. "I know that he tried to manipulate you all into throwing me out, but... until he pulled that stunt over the holiday, he never once tried to hurt anyone." Kalim looked down at his knees. "There's a whole list of even scarier options he could've gone with, but he didn't. Not once in 17 years."

Kalim looked back up at his dormmates. "I'm still not calling him a good guy, though." He assured them.

"Dorm head..." Nanda started to say.

"Hmm, I really can't put it into words right..." Kalim sighed. "Can I just ask for a bit more time?" He asked, smiling widely.

"If that's..." Nanda choose his next words carefully. "What you really want..."

Jamil, carefully hidden in the shadows, let out a small grunt as he leaned against a pillar.

"The residents have been going about as usual without much fuss." Jamil summed up. "Our motto in Scarabia is careful forethought, after all. They avoid jumping to conclusions and carefully consider who they want to surround themselves with and what actions to take. Kalim and I as well."

Azul chuckled. He had finished his massage, but his hands rested on Gwen's legs. "That's a very Scarabian answer. Everyone puts on a thick mask. You seem to have no problem dancing with him after everything, either."

"Azul." Gwen cut in. She cupped his chin and raised his head up. "My eyes are up here."

Azul blushed, releasing her legs to stand up.

Jamil pulled Gwen closer, keeping an arm wrapped around her. "Say what you want. My standing inside and outside the dorm plummeted after my Overblot." He admitted. "Until my reputation in and out of Scarabia improves, I'll be good and follow Kalim's orders."

Azul chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "The residents are probably keeping an eye out for their chance to take your position." He warned. "As long as your personalities match, Kalim makes for the most appealing master to support."

"Eventually he'll come into his inheritance and all the treasure that entails." Azul continued. "In this day and age, that is closer to being all-powerful than any magic could ever be."

"I put my entire existence on the line for that plan, so I thought I was done for when it failed." Jamil admitted. "In the end, nothing's really changed. I should be grateful. Until the day Kalim sets me free, I'll be a faithful servant by his side. And I'll make sure everyone who sees me knows just how hard I work."

Jamil's hand moved from Gwen's shoulder to her own hand. "To Kalim, to the residents, to my parents, to the Asim family..." He squeezed Gwen's hand, giving her a smile. "To you too."

Jamil then turned to Azul, giving him a smirk. "And I suppose to you as well... Squishy Pus."

Azul's face turned a bright red. "Not you too!"

Gwen burst into giggles.

"Dude, your personality is a complete 180 from before the break." Grim realized.

"Naturally." Azul replied, facing turning back to normal. "You're welcome at Octavinelle whenever Kalim sets you free. Someone of your caliber is more than welcome with us."

"Yeah, thanks." Jamil rolled his eyes. "But I wouldn't transfer to Octavinelle even if it was the last dorm left."

"Hey, guys!" Kalim called, interrupting their conversation. "We're gonna be late if we don't get going!"

"I can't believe Kalim is telling us to hurry up..." Azul said. "But he's correct."

"I really shouldn't be standing around talking to you." Jamil agreed. "I still need to get the history worksheets."

"Geh, our next class is way over in the west building." Ace remembered.

"Move it, Gwen, Grim!" Deuce shouted.

"Oh golly!" Gwen shot up like a rocket, following Ace and Deuce out of the gym.

"Ffna? Wait for me!" Grim called, following after them.

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