Ramshakle Dorm

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"Golly, Headmaster..." Gwen's voice trailed off as she saw the sight in front of her. "This is almost too much charm." She said, lying through her teeth.

Crowley didn't seem to notice. "Right, right. Please come inside." He said, leading her through the overgrown yard and into the building.

Gwen looked around at the lodge. It looked old and dangerous. Gwen really hoped she had gotten a tetanus shot. Crowley smiled at her, although he looked like a small part of him regretted offering this place up. "Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain."

"I'm going back to do more research. Make yourself at home." Crowley made a beeline for the door. "Don't go wandering around the school! Goodbye!"

"Wait, can I ask about din- and he's gone." Gwen sighed. "Gosh... I hope there's still some edible food in here." She looked around the dorm. "The dust looks just like snow~"

Gwen began tidying up the dorm. At one point she found a light switch. Curious she flicked it, and watched at all the lights slowly flickered, illuminating the dorm. "Huh. It's not so scary once it's in the light."

Soon Gwen could here a a soft pitter patted that grew louder. "Golly! It's starting to rain!" She said, looking out the window. She looked up at the roof. "Oh, I really hope the ceiling won't leak."

Gwen heard the doors open and slam. "Hyiii! It's really coming down!" Gwen turned around to see Grim.

"Grim!" Gwen said. "Quick, come on in out of the cold!" She said, ushering the cat in.

"Gah! What are you doing here!?" Grim demanded.

"I live here now I guess." Gwen shrugged. She picked up a blanket. "Here, this one is pretty clean, dry off with this."

Grim looked really confused, before hoping onto the couch. Gwen gently wrapped the blanket around him. "It can't be good for a fire cat like you to get wet so many times in one day. How'd you get back in the school?" She asked as Grim wriggled around in the blanket.

"If you think getting thrown out is gonna make me give up on getting in you've got another thing coming!" Grim answered. Gwen giggled at his answer, sitting down besides him.

"Grim, why do you wanna get in this school?" Gwen asked.

"That's simple!" Grim beamed, moving into Gwen's lap. Gwen starting to pet him. "I'm a genius who is destined to be a great magician." Gwen beamed as Grim let out a soft purring sound from her ministrations. "I've been waiting for the Ebony Carriage to come pick me up."

The purring stopped. Gwen frowned, watching as a sad look formed on Grim's face. "But... but..." Grim shook his head. "Hmph! The Dark Mirror just doesn't have an eye for this. So that's why I came here on my own. Not letting me in would be a loss for the world, humans just don't get it."

Gwen smiled down at him. "Well, I think that's a very noble goal to have Grim. Oh, I'm Gwen by the way! I don't know if you really learned my name."

Water dripped down onto Grim, making him jump out of her lap. "Nyaa! So cold! The roof is leaking!" Another drop landed on his face. "Fgyaa! It keeps coming! My adorable ear fire is gonna go out at this rate!"

Gwen looked up at the ceiling. "We have to find a bucket!"

"Why?" Grim asked. "Magic should fix this leak up real quick."

"Grim... I can't use magic." Gwen said. "Remember?"

"Oh! That's right!" Grim snickered. "You're useless!"

"Then perhaps the Great Grim might help me out?" She asked.

"Huh? Help you?" Grim sneered. "No way! I'm just a regular monster staying in a rainy place. You better get a can of tuna ready before I do any work."

Gwen sighed, shaking her head. "Well, I guess I better go find that bucket." She left Grim to curl up and nap on the blanket, walking down the hallway.

The hallway was dark, with no signs of a light switch. "Oh, I do not like this feeling." She said to herself.

She froze, a strange feeling washing over her. Someone is watching me. She thought to herself. She turned around and froze.

Ghosts!! One fat, one skinny, and one short. They laughed. "We haven't had a guest in so long..." One said.

"I'm itching for some action!" The fat one laughed.

Gwen shrieked. "GHOSTS!!!"

Grim came running down the hallway. "What are you freaking out..." He let out a scream. "G-g-g-ghoooooossstts!"

"The people living here got scared of us and left." The short ghost said.

"We've been looking for some more ghost pals. How about you guys?" The fat one asked.

"I'm gonna be killed!" Gwen shrieked.

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