The Entrance Ceremony

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"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments?" Riddle asked. He scanned the crowd of faces. The girl from before was still missing, making him hesitant to leave. Riddle shook his head, addressing his first years. "Listen up new students. Here in Heartslabuyl I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head."

Leona yawned. "Ugh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over." He turned to face the first years, keeping an eye out for the girl. "We're going back to the dorm. Savanaclaws, follow me."

Azul grinned at his first years, analytical eyes observing the sea of faces. "To the new students congratulations on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to the fullest." He didn't see the girl. Hmm... he'd have Jade and Floyd look for her later. "As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle I will support you to the best of my ability."

Vil looked around the room. "By the way, where did the headmaster go? He disappeared to find that little girl and hasn't returned..."

Idia's voice came from his tablet. "Surely it didn't take that long to find her."

Kalim bit his lip. "You don't think she got hurt, do you?" Oh, he knew he should've chased after her!

The doors slammed open. "Not at all!" Crowley proclaimed.

"Ah, he's here." Riddle noted. He was relieved to see the girl trailing after him.

"I can't believe you all!" Crowley snapped. "We were missing one new student so I went to find him!"

The dorm leaders exchanged looks at each other. "Did he forget that we were the ones that found her first?" Kalim asked.

"He doesn't seem to realize she's a girl either, despite what we said." Azul noted.

Crowley turned to Gwen. "You are the only yet to be assigned a dormitory I shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the mirror." He instructed her.

Grim let out a muffled protest and tried to wriggle out of his arms.

Gwen looked around the room, locking eyes with the red-haired boy she saw before. He gave a small encouraging smile and tilted his head towards the center of the room.

Gwen stood in front of the mirror and gasped when she saw the face. Her heart was racing for some reason. Something faint stirred in the back of her head, like a memory trying to surface.

"State thy name." The Dark Mirror said, drawing Gwen out of her thoughts.

"Gwen Brookes." Gwen said.

Crowley let out a scandalized gasp. "A girl?!"

"Headmaster..." Vil said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"The shape of thy soul is..." The Dark Mirror said. It narrowed its eyes. "I do not know."

A round of gasps sounded throughout the room. "Come again?!" Crowley asked in shock.

"I sense not a spark of magic from this one..." the Dark Mirror explained. "The color, the shape, all are nothing." It again narrowed its eyes, and Gwen felt like it's gaze was burrowing into her very soul. "No, not nothing. It's as though a blanket has been placed over her, smothering her soul from my gaze. Therefore, she is suited for no dormitory."

The crowd murmured around her. Gwen could feel all eyes on her. She wrapped her arms around herself, starting to panic.

"An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go to meet someone who can't use magic!" Crowley said in surprise. "Or a girl for that matter! In 100 years there has not once been a mistake in student selection! So why in the world..."

Gwen noticed something no one else seemed too. In the Headmaster's confusion, his grip on the rope had slipped, allowing Grim to wriggle free. "Then I'll take her place!" He declared.

"Stay right there! Raccoon!" Crowley shouted as Grim hopped out of his arms.

"Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic. Let me in the school instead!" Grim shouted. "If you need proof I'll show you right now!"

"Everyone get down!" The red-haired boy shouted.

Gwen's eyes widened and she jumped off the platform, pulling the white haired boy to the ground with her. Grim let out a burst of fire.

"Golly! I'm so sorry!" Gwen said, looking down at the boy she pinned beneath her. "Are you okay?"

The boy beamed, giving Gwen the feeling of having looked into the sun. "I'm great, thanks! I think you just saved me!"

"At this rate the school will be a sea of fire!" Gwen heard Crowley shout. "Someone catch that raccoon!"

"Che! Suck ups." Gwen saw one of the boys she met earlier say. Her eyes widened as she saw his lion ears.

Another boy, who Gwen thought was very pretty, smirked. "Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice, plump snack?"

"Why me? Do it yourself."

Gwen bit her lip. "Isn't there some kind of magic we can use?!"

The boy she was sitting on smacked his forehead. "Oh! Here, let me up!" Gwen looked down and realized she was straddling the boy.

Gwen squeaked and slid off of him, blushing heavily. "Sorry!" She apologized again.

"Mr. Crowley, please leave it to me!" The boy with glasses said. "I'm sure the others couldn't stomach harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself." But, before he could do anything, the white haired boy stood up, pulling Gwen to her feet.

"Oasis Maker!" He said, his red eyes glowing. It began to rain in the room, soaking everything.

Gwen watched in confusion as a floating tablet let out a curse, and flew off to find shelter in the room from the rain.

Grim tried to blow out more fire. "Eh? I'm all wet!"

"Kalim, you couldn't have done that sooner?" A voice behind Gwen said. Gwen turned around to see a boy with braided hair and a solemn expression standing behind them with his arms crossed.

Kalim, who Gwen guessed was the boy standing besides her, beamed. "Sorry Jamil! Guess I was too distracted being saved by a pretty girl!"

Jamil sighed, before turning to Gwen and bowing his head. "Thank you for that actually. You noticed he was in danger and reacted before I could. We're in your debt."

Gwen's face felt like it was on fire. "Oh, golly! It was nothing special! I just reacted!"

"The Great Grim that will become the greatest magician ever is me!" Grim yelled, drawing Gwen's attention back to him. He tried to blow out more flames, but he was too wet. Even the flames in his ears had been put out.

"It certainly has moxie." The glasses wearing boy said. "Care to help me, Riddle?" He asked, referring to the red-haired boy.

"I can't overlook those who break rules. Let's hurry and get this over with." Riddle replied.

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