🍎 Auditions

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Rook brought the first three people into the ballroom, having one of them in the middle of the room while the other two stood of to the side with Epel.

Rook and Vil would watch and judge. The two were sitting at a table and would write notes during the performance.

"Well then, my dear challengers, we will begin the audition." Rook announced. "Starting with entry number 1... music start!"

Ruggie was up first.

Dance to this twisted rhythm
Adorable even as you stubbornly look away
I don't mind
Isn't it better to be just a little bad?

Ruggie's voice wasn't that bad, and he clearly practiced dancing.

"Monsieur Dandelion. You were light on your feet for every step and your smile never faltered." Rook praised. "Your performance was equal parts manly and adorable. Beaute! 100 points!"

"The way you held yourself wasn't bad, but there was a crudeness to your movements and voice that stood out." Vil critiqued. "Next!"

Cater was number two.

Dance to this twisted rhythm
Adorable even as you stubbornly look away
I don't mind
Isn't it better to be just a little bad?

Cater was definitely energetic, but he seemed to lack emotion.

"Monsieur Magicam. Your voice shines like a gorgeous diamond!" Rook praised. "I could bask in it all day. Beaute! 100 points!"

"Your dancing and singing was on point, but I couldn't feel any spark of passion from you." Vil critiqued. "Next!"

Number 3 was Lilia.

Dance to this twisted rhythm
Adorable even as you stubbornly look away
I don't mind
Isn't it better to be just a little bad?

It was very obvious Lilia was having fun.

"Monsieur Curiosity. Your lovely appearance with your deep voice makes for a truly bewitching combo." Rook praised. "Beaute! 100 points!"

"For some reason... I don't feel the normal freshness you'd get from a high schooler coming from Lilia." Vil noted. "Next!"

This process continued for a while, with Rook praising and Vil noting the flaws. A couple groups later, and Ortho was up next.

Dance to this twisted rhythm
Adorable even as you stubbornly look away
I don't mind
Isn't it better to be just a little bad?

There was no denying that Ortho was adorable. It was the first thing Vil and Rook thought.

"Monsieur Doll. A completely novel performance!" Rook praised. "I couldn't take my eyes off your on point voice and robot dance. Beaute! 100 points!"

Vil struggled for a moment to find a critique that wouldn't result in Ortho blowing up the ballroom. "Even calling it genreless has it limits." He finally spoke. "Next!"

Kalim practically skipped up to them to take his turn.

Dance to this twisted rhythm
Adorable even as you stubbornly look away
I don't mind
Isn't it better to be just a little bad?

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