🦁Portrait Interview

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Gwen slowly got out of bed the next morning. She had slept a lot, but she still felt exhausted.

"Oh, you're up." Grim noted. "Breakfast has already started. Let's get going!"

Gwen smiled tiredly, scooping him into her arms.


"Oh yeah, did you go somewhere last night?" Grim asked as they walked down main street. "You were gone when I woke up for the bathroom."

"Tsunotaro came to visit." Gwen explained. "I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up to talk to him."

"It's weird you're so close to that guy and you don't even know his name." Grim replied.

"I'll figure it out eventually." Gwen promised.

"You know, you're gonna have to introduce me to him at some point." Grim reminded. "I've never seen a human with horns!"

"I... don't think he is human." Gwen said.

"G'mornin' Gwen-Chan!" Cater's voice cheered, before he wrapped his arms around her and pecked her on the cheek.

"Cay-kun!" Gwen giggled, turning around to face him. "Oh, Riddle's here too!"

Riddle smiled before stepping closer. "Hm. Your tie is a little off." He noted. "Following the rules starts with your attire."

"Or else your residents will never listen to you." He took her tie in his hands and began to fix it. "Although, I guess it's not as bad for you being the only one." He smiled at her. "Alright, there you go."

Gwen leaned up to kiss him. Riddle always tasted like strawberries and tarts to her.

"Ace and Deuce aren't with you?" Grim asked.

"In accordance with Laws of the Queen of Hearts; Number 249, they are currently feeding the flamingos dressed in pink." Riddle explained. He then turned to Gwen with a serious look. "By the way, there was another accident last night."

"Fgna!? Really?" Grim asked.

"Oh golly!" Gwen gasped. "Was it anyone we know?"

"According to the portrait that witnessed it, the victim was a second year from the Scarabia Dorm." Cater said. "Jamil Viper. It apparently happened in the kitchen."

"Jamil was hurt?!" Gwen cried. "Is he okay?! What happened!? Where is he!?"

"Since it's still breakfast time, they're probably in the cafeteria. Let's check." Riddle wrapped his arms around her.


Gwen burst into the cafeteria, looking around the room. She spotted Jamil and Kalim sitting together eating breakfast. Jamil's arm was bandaged.

Gwen raced through the cafeteria to get to him. "Jamil!" She cried as she made it to his side.

"Gwen?" Jamil looked up at her. "What's wro- whoa!"

Kalim burst out laughing as Gwen almost tackled Jamil off of his seat with a hug. "Aw! Looks like Gwen was really worried about you, huh, Jamil?"

"I-I'm not that hurt!" Jamil patted her back. "There's no need to fuss over me. Honestly, you're just like Kalim."

"Ahahaha!" Kalim laughed, pulling Gwen out of Jamil's lap. "Don't hog her Jamil! I wanna hug her too!" He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Ah! You're hair is so pretty now!"

Grim and the others joined them. "Yo. You're the guy that got hurt in the kitchen yesterday? Tell us about it."

"Grim. It would do you well to watch how you talk to people." Riddle chastised. He turned to Kalim and Jamil, watching as Gwen wiggled out of Kalim's grip and examined Jamil's arm. "We're sorry for bothering you while you're eating."

"The dorm head of Heartslabuyl, the violent raccoon from the ceremony, and Gwen." Kalim laughed. "This is a funny combo."

"I ain't no raccoon!" Grim hissed. "I'm the Great Grim!"

Jamil took his arm out of Gwen's gentle grasp. "Why do you want to know about my injury?" He asked.

"We're investigating for the headmaster." Gwen explained. "When I heard you were hurt... I had to come see you."

Jamil's face softened. "Well, perhaps there's some reason for my injury to be a good thing. Well, I don't really mind."

"Last night I was in the kitchen making agemanju with lamb per Kalim's request." Jamil started to explain.

"Jamil's agemanju is the best!" Kalim interrupted. "You guys should try it sometime."

"Kalim, don't get us sidetracked." Jamil said.

"Ah, my b, my b." Kalim grinned.

"While I was finally chopping all the ingredients, for some reason my hand slipped and I cut myself." Jamil continued.

"Jamil is so good with a knife even the head cook is blown away." Kalim bragged. "Were you tired from magift practice?" He asked Jamil.

"No." Jamil shook his head. "Not so much that my hand would slip like that." He paused, considering something. "However, while I was cooking, for a moment I felt my subconscious slip away."

"Were you dizzy or drowsy?" Gwen asked.

"Most would probably think so but... I've felt that sensation before." Jamil said. "My guess, it was someone's unique magic."

"Oh yeah, your unique is ffmmghphff!" Kalim was cut off when Jamil slapped his hand over the white haired boy's mouth. He had to lean over Gwen to do it, so Gwen found herself extremely close to Jamil suddenly.

Kalim pried Jamil's hand off of his mouth. "Puwah! Why'd you cover my mouth?" He asked.

"We're not talking about me right now." Jamil leaned back. "Anyway, I think they used magic to control the movements of others."

"I see now." Cater nodded. "That's why everyone just thought people were being careless."

"And since it was only for a moment, those who were injured would mistake being manipulated for being careless as well." Riddle continued. "Even when I fell on the stairs, I didn't feel like someone had controlled me to do so."

"Trying to find that magic... this just became expert difficulty." Cater lamented. "What should we do?"

"Magic to control people... Ah!" Grim beamed. "If I could do something like that, I'd make everyone give me all of the bread in school every day!"

"Take all the bread." Riddle repeated. "Couldn't you think of something a little more grand?"

"Then I could eat all the deluxe menchi katsu sandwiches I... huh?" Grim froze.

Gwen snapped her fingers. "That reminds me, in the cafeteria..."

Grim shrieked, making everyone flinch.

"You good!?" Kalim asked. "You're shouting."

"I-I know!" Grim shouted. "I know who has that unique magic!"

"Come again?" Riddle asked.

"The culprit is Ruggie Bucchi!" Gwen announced.

"Ruggie... from Savanaclaw?" Cater's eyes were wide.

"Let's catch and interrogate him." Riddle said.

Cater pulled out his phone. "Ruggie Bucchi is in class 2-B."

Riddle nodded at Kalim and Jamil. "Thank you both for your help!"

"Sure." Kalim grinned. "I'm not sure what's going on but good luck!"

Gwen stood up to join them, but a wave of dizziness hit her. She almost collapsed, but Kalim and Jamil shot up to catch her.

"Are you okay?" Kalim asked.

Jamil placed his hand on her forehead. "You're not running a temperature. Have you eaten yet?"

Gwen shook her head. "No, not yet. And I got a horrible nights sleep."

Riddle sighed. "Stay here and eat. We'll get Ruggie."

"I love you! Be careful!" Gwen called as they raced out of the cafeteria.

"Let's get you something to eat." Jamil said.

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