Crowley's Graciousness

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"Really?!" Grim asked, looking thrilled.

"However," Crowley began. "I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, into school who wasn't selected by the Dark Mirror." Grim's face fell. "Also, I can't let you be a freeloader here until you return to your own world."

Gwen nodded in understanding. "That makes sense. I'd feel guilty if I just leeched off of you."

"Well... talk about short-lived joy..." Grim complained.

"Listen until the end." Crowley ordered. "Concerning the fact that your soul was called here, the school has to take responsibility as the owners of the Dark Mirror. For the time being you'll be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free. But, other necessities you will have to provide for yourself."

"What will I do about money?" Gwen asked.

"Seeing as you have nothing to your name... fufu, here is my proposition."

"What can I do?"

"No need to fret, I'll have you do maintenance  and odd jobs around campus." Crowley offered. "And I'm sure Sam will happily pay you to occasionally help out with his store." Crowley looked around appreciatively. "From what I can see, you're pretty decent at cleaning. Would you two like to become the handymen of the school? This way you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. You'll also be able to research going home or study whatever you desire in the library. For i am gracious."

Gwen beamed at him. "You really are, Mr. Crowley! I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

Crowley smiled, looking flattered. "Yes, truly I am a model for educators everywhere! However! You can only do so after the work is done."

"I'm not okay with that!" Grim complained. "I wanna wear that fancy uniform and be a student!"

"It's fine if you're unsatisfied." Crowley said with a smile. "I'll simply toss you out again." He turned to Gwen. "Of course, with Grim gone, I'll also find a way to help you with the ghosts."

"I get it!" Grim shouted. "I just have to do it. Just do it!"

Gwen giggled and picked Grim up. "Don't worry Headmaster! We'll do a good job!"

"Wonderful." Crowley replied, looking proud. "Then you two, starting tomorrow, endeavor to be the best handyman at Night Raven College!"

At that moment, Gwen's stomach growled. "Oh! That's right!" Crowley said. "I've brought dinner!"

"Yay!" Grim cheered. "Tuna!"

Crowley led the two into the kitchen, where he laid the tray of food onto the dining table. He paused before taking the lid off. "Oh, dear. I hope you don't have allergies, I completely forgot!"

Gwen paused, thinking. "I have a peanut allergy." She remembered.

"Oh, good thing I made grilled cheese." Crowley said. He lifted the tray and gave them both plates. "Enjoy."

While Gwen and Grim dug in, Crowley grabbed the grocery bags and opened the fridge. "Oh, would you look at that! The fridge still works!" Crowley said. "Just to be on the safe side, I went ahead and casted a spell on the groceries to keep them fresh."

"Thank you Crowley!" Gwen said. Crowley smiled and grabbed a milk cartoon. He searched the cabinets, and grabbed a cup and bowl, observing both carefully before deciding they were clean. He poured the cup for Gwen and the bowl for Grim.

The three sat in silence until all the sandwiches were gone. "Well, I suppose I had better let you two get some rest." Crowley said.

Gwen nodded, rubbing her eye. Now that she had eaten something, she felt the days events catch up to her. She picked up Grim, who was already asleep, and yawned. "Goodnight Headmaster." She said.

"Goodnight Miss Brookes. I'll put everything up for you." He said, sending her off.

Gwen trudged up the stairs and opened the first door she saw. Thankfully the room looked pretty intact. Gwen set Grim down carefully under the bed, then curled up under the covers. Her last thought before falling asleep was that something was missing from the ceiling.

What do you mean she's gone?!?
I mean she's gone! She's not in this world anymore!
Well, bring her back!
I can't you idiot! I don't even know where she is!
Why would you send her somewhere you don't know?!?
To make it harder for...... to find her!
So... she's gone forever?
Perhaps not.
You have a plan?
Yes, but I'll need your help.
I'm at your disposal.


Hey! Can you hear me? Good. Look, our connection is thin, and I don't have much time. I need you to do something for me. I need you to find a Gwen Brookes. She's somewhere in your world. She's close by to you as well, from what I can sense.

Find her and keep an eye on her. I promise that when this is all over I'll reward you greatly. For now I just need to know she's safe. Thank you.

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