❤️ Lunch Time

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Gwen ran through the courtyard to get to her idiots. Deuce and Ace had removed the cauldrons, but were still keeping Grim pinned. "No way, no way!" The cat protested. "No way I'm going back to those boring classes!"

"Then you won't become a great wizard!" Gwen snapped.

"Dammit! You're being extra strict today!" Grim complained.

Gwen grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. "Grim, I am this close to handing you over to Crewel!" She said. "So help me if you don't behave for the rest of the day, I'll hand you right over to him!"

Grin froze in her grasp. "Anything but that psycho!" He begged. "I'll behave!"

Gwen smiled, shifting Grim so that she was holding him in her arms. "Well then, we better get going to lunch!" She said. "I owe you guys a chocolate croissant and an ice latte, right?"

"Yep!" Ace grinned. "Let's get going, I'm starved!"

The four headed towards the cafeteria, which was already pretty crowded. "It's finally lunch time!" Grim cheered as they got in line. "Everything always looks so good here!"

Gwen smiled as she grabbed a tray for her food. Thankfully, Crowley was paying for her meals, so she could charge everything to the tab he set up. "Pretty amazing that they have a buffet."

"Fluffy omurice! Grilled chicken and bacon egg tarts!" Grim listed off all the food. Gwen loaded her tray with both her selections, and Grim's.

"You're too loud!" Ace complained. "You're only this excited during lunch."

"Hey, hey, I want some grilled chicken!" Grim said. "It's the last one!"

"We'll split it." Gwen promised, reaching for it.

"And omurice!" Grim insisted, perching himself on her shoulder. "Bread with jelly, too! Just take a bunch of everything!"

"No, Grim." Gwen said. "I'm not going to grab everything. Knowing my luck I'd grab something with nuts in it and have an allergic reaction."

"You're allergic to nuts?" Deuce asked.

"Yep. Makes things a pain. I already told Crowley, so at least the staff is prepared if something does happen." Gwen said with a shrug. She and Grim ended up bumping into someone.

"Watch it!" The boy snapped. He was wearing a uniform similar to Ace and Deuce. "Cause of you the egg in my pasta broke!"

His buddy, who was also wearing a similar uniform, sneered at them. "Woah, woah, woah~ Breaking the goey egg is the best part of eating carbonara. How do you plan to pay for this?"

"Hand over that grilled chicken as consolation and we'll call it even, okay sweetheart?" Delinquent A said.

Gwen held the tray closer to her. That sweetheart had sounded very condescending.

"Hell no!" Grim snapped. "This is my chicken!"

"Ah? Not showing your senpai respect as freshman?" Delinquent B asked. "Come around back!"

"Senpai, settling personal squabbles with magic is prohibited." Deuce spoke up. Gwen turned her head to see both him and Ace behind her in the line. They had set their trays down, and both had a glare on their faces.

"Squabble?" Delinquent A repeated. "This is just seniors teaching their juniors proper behavior!"

"Grit your teeth!" Delinquent B snapped.

"Look guys!" Gwen interrupted. "This is all getting blown out of proportion. I'm sorry for breaking the egg. Is there some way I can repay you?"

The two boys leered down at her. "Hey, you're pretty cute sweetheart!" Delinquent A noticed. "I just thought of another way you can pay me back."

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