🍎 Challengers, Assemble

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Three days later
Day of the Vocal & Dance Championship Audition.

The group met up in the hall of mirrors and went to the one labeled Pomefiore.

"Oh, their's has a peacock!" Gwen noted. "I love peacocks, those are the prettiest birds."

"You know, I think Cater said that they actually do have peacocks wandering around." Deuce said. "Maybe we'll see one."

"Ooo! I hope so!" Gwen said, before leading the group through the mirror.

"This dorm looks just like a castle." Gwen noted. "In fact... it looks almost like... like..."

She bounced eagerly in her seat as the castle came into view. She had been so excited when she heard where they were going.

"Gwen?" Deuce laid a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I... I was... I think I was remembering something." Gwen said. "I've been to a castle that looks like this one, I think."

"Isn't Quinn a queen?" Ace pointed out.

"No, it was a different castle from hers." Gwen shook her head. "Let's just hurry so we can audition."

The group quickly stepped into lounge, eyes widening at the sight of so many people already there. Gwen's eyes were more drawn to the peacock throne. That thing was so cool.

"Ffna... there's so many people here for the audition." Grim noted.

"There's at least 50." Ace counted.

"I'm s-s-so nervous." Deuce stuttered, looking pale. "Th-th-the lyrics are gonna s-s-slip right outta my mind."

"C'mon man, you're getting too worked up." Ace said.

Gwen reached over to hold his hand. "It'll be okay Deuce. Just take a breath."

"What's this?" A familiar face skipped up to them. "The A-Deuce combo and Ramshackle combo. Hiya Gwen-Chan!"

"Cay-Kun!" Gwen giggled, pulling him into a hug.

"Gwen-Chan you look so cute!!" Cater said, snapping a pic with her in her ballet outfit. "Are you here for the VDC audition too?"

"Cater! You too?" Grim asked.

"Yup." Cater nodded, popping the p. "I figured I'd give it a shot since it's gonna be here and Vil's gonna be on stage. Being in something with a celeb that has 5 million magicam followers will make for a great memory, don't you think?"

"I thought Deuce was going into this for a dumb reason, but yours is pretty flimsy too." Ace said.

"I think most people are going to be like this though." Cater replied, taking Ace's remark in stride. "I mean, just look around."

Ruggie was in the corner of the room, singing a little tune. "Hmm, I'm not the best at singing, but the dance should be fine." He shrugged. "That split of the five million madol is going to be mine."

"Ffgna!" Grim rolled his eyes. "His aim for the money is way too obvious, y'know."

"Scruffy!" Gwen giggled.

Ruggie's eyes went wide and his ears perked up. "Kitten?" He tilted his head. "How long have you had that!?"

Gwen did a quick twirl. "It's new... kinda."

"Gah!" Ruggie turned his head. "I gotta keep my focus!" He said, and then ignored Gwen.

Gwen shrugged, more amused than insulted.

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