❤️ First Day of Class

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Gwen was worried at first about starting classes a day later than anyone else. Ace and Deuce explained to her that it was okay. The first day was more about learning how to navigate the school and where the classrooms were.

The first period was Potions with Crewel. There was a large cauldron in the middle of the room, and every desk had a cauldron. Ace and Deuce sat on either side of Gwen.

Crewel entered the room rather dramatically, throwing the door open with a bang. "So, you are all the fresh faces in my home room." He looked out approvingly over the sea of faces. "There are some rare hair colors in the bunch. Not bad. Make sure to take proper care of it daily."

Gwen looked at the hair of everyone around her. Crewel had a point. Deuce had blue hair, and she could see someone with purple hair.

"My name is Divus Crewel. You may feel free to call me Master Crewel." Crewel introduced.

Wait, what?! Gwen blinked. Did he just say to call him master? She then noticed his wand had a collar attached to it. This will be an interesting class.
"Take your seats." Crewel instructed. "Class will begin. First for the basics, I will beat the names and appearances of 100 types of medicine and poison into your little brains." He walked among the desks, handing out papers. "We'll cover fungi later. Now memorize these so you don't go around getting poisoned by random things you eat off the ground."

When he got to Gwen he smiled at her. "You see Miss Brookes, dogs will eat whatever is lying around." He turned around and walked back to the front of the classroom. "Your training will be strict and I better not see any red marks on your tests."

"I see." Deuce nodded, reading over his paper. "By the way, what's a fungi?"

"A mushroom that likes to party." Gwen responded. Some other students around them seemed to have heard, as she could hear them snickering.

"Blegh. I'm no good at memorization." Ace bemoaned.

"All that matters for grass is wether or not it tastes good." Grim said.

"That's how you end up eating belladonna or some other poisonous plant." Gwen said, reading over the list. Huh. A lot of these she already seemed to know.


The next class was History with Trein. He was already at his desk as all the students entered, Lucius in his arms. He watched silently as everyone took a seat. Again, Ace and Deuce sat on either side of Gwen.

"I'm Trein and I'm in charge of your history lessons." He finally said once everyone was seated. "This is my familiar, Lucius." Lucius meowed in response. "You will learn about the history of magic that has brought prosperity to the world."

Lucius meowed again. "Participation in class will affect your grade, not just reports. I will not forgive sleeping in class." Lucius meowed again. "Open your textbooks to page 15." Trein patiently waited for everyone to get there.

Gwen panicked for a bit as she realized that Crowley had yet to give them school books. "Uh, Professor Trein?" She called, raising her hand.

"Yes, Miss Brookes?" Trein asked. Lucius jumped out of his arms and onto the desk.

"Headmaster Crowley didn't give me any of the textbooks yet." Gwen said sheepishly.

"Oh!" Deuce slid closer to Gwen, pushing his book so both could see. "Gwen can share with me!" He offered.

"No need." Trein said. Lucius grabbed a book from the two large piles with his teeth and ran across the desks to get to Gwen. "I assumed this would happen and took precautions."

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