🍎 Audition Application

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Three days later...

The gymnasium was full of different of students, many of them practicing.

"More guys are spending their lunch break practicing the audition song in the gym everyday." Ace noted.

"Are they all after the prize money?" Grim curled a paw into a fist and shook it angrily. "You ain't gettin' my tuna cans, y'know!"

"Most are probably here for the chance to make a pro debut over the money." Jamil said.

"Go pro, huh?" Deuce repeated. "Taking a look around, all these guys look really on point."

"Yeah... it seems like these guys have an advantage on us..." Gwen tugged on her skirt.

"Don't worry about them, you've made huge strides in being able to sing during your performance." Jamil assured the group, placing a hand on Gwen's shoulder. He grinned at Deuce. "You're definitely not a freaked out elephant anymore."

"Yeah, yeah." Kalim nodded. "Your singing has gotten much better too, you don't get off key anymore." He added. "It's all because you worked so hard during voice training. Good job guys!"

Kalim cracked his knuckles. "Okaaay, today's the day we make it through the whole song in one go!" He declared.

"Alright!" Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Gwen replied in unison.

"Time to show us just how much your dancing has improved." Jamil said, turning on the boom box. "Your goal is to keep up with Kalim and me."

"No mistakes allowed." Ace added. "Got it, Deuce?"

"Yeah, yeah." Deuce rolled his eyes as they all started to dance. "I know. I gotta prove that their help wasn't for nothing."

"Whoa, whoa, Deuce." Kalim cut in. "You're gettin' tense again, relax and just enjoy yourself."


"Wow!" Kalim said, about midway through the song. "You've really gotten better. Nice work!"

"How about we throw in a bit that goes like this somewhere?" Kalim immediately demonstrated some very complicated looking moves.

Gwen cheered and clapped for him, very impressed by his talent.

"O-oh crap that was so cool!" Deuce said. "How'd you do it?"

"Slam your hands down like BAM and bring your legs up like WHOOSH!" Kalim explained. "Easy, right?"

"Uh..." Gwen trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"I need more than the feeling to pick that up..." Ace muttered.

"We can't do that anyway." Jamil pointed out. "It's too late to add in any new moves."


"Hey Kalim, I've been wondering something." Gwen said when they took a water break.

"What's up?" Kalim replied.

"Um... what's been poking through your shirt?" Gwen asked.

"Hm?" Kalim tilted his head, a hand coming up to pat at his shirt. His face brightened in realization. "Oh! Those are my piercings!"

"Your what!?" Gwen shrieked, face turning red.

"Yeah, I've had them for a while now." Kalim said. "Normally their hard to spot, but I guess the gym shirt is tight enough to spot it!"

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