🐍 Jamil's True Self

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"Ugh..." Jamil groaned, slowly coming to. "Where am..."

"What a relief." Azul stood over the boy. "We were able to bring you back to your senses. Now please, get. Off. Of. My. Angelfish!"

"What...?" Jamil asked, before he realized the warm, soft thing he was laying on was not a pillow. "Gwen!"

Jamil slid away to get off of her, then scooped her up in his arms. "My Diamond... time to get up." He said.

"Hmm..." Gwen's eyes fluttered open. "J-Jamil...!"

Gwen began to tear up, sitting up in his lap to throw her arms around him and sob into his shoulder. "Jamil...!"

"Oh, Gwen." Jamil rubbed her back, gently shushing her.

"Jya." Kalim's eyes teared up as well. "Jyamml... WWWAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

Kalim jumped into Jamil's lap, sobbing into his other shoulder.

"Ugh, Kalim..." Jamil sighed, looking annoyed.

"Little Shrimp, Baby Otter, you're not using your words." Floyd teased.

"It seems he's forgotten all about that punch he was talking about." Jade grinned. "I, however, am just waiting for Damselfish to move out of his lap."

"I'm so gwad you're awive..." Kalim cried. "You're awive..."

"Why are you falling apart..." Jamil sighed.

"I had, I had..." Kalim sobbed. "I had no idea how you felt this whole time. You-you've always... been carrying that weight, I had no idea..."

"As a result, you went and cruelly betrayed Kalim." Azul said, bending down to pull Gwen off his lap. "And just look at our poor Angelfish!"

Jamil looked up at Gwen and blushed as he took in the outfit she was wearing and the state of her neck. "I did that!?" He shouted. "Oh my god... I am so sorry!" Jamil groaned as the memories came flooding back.

"Yuuup." Floyd grinned, pulling off his scarf and wrapping it around Gwen's neck. "Sea Snake, you've been making a fool of Baby Otter this whoooole time without saying a word."

"You guys are worse at reading the room than I am, y'know!" Grim said.

Kalim slid out of Jamil's lap, sitting on his knees and rubbing his eyes. "You're re-really a piece of work... but that doesn't change the fact you we helping me this whole time too."

"Kalim..." Jamil began, but was quickly interrupted.

"That all ends today." Kalim announced, rising to his feet. "You don't have to hold back because of our parents' status or the master-servant relationship."

"Kalim..." Jamil's face deadpanned.

"Starting today, let's become rivals, both aiming for number one without holding back." Kalim beamed determinedly, clenching his hand into a fist. "Let's be friends... as equals, Jamil."

"Friends... equals...?" Jamil repeated. "That's a very Kalim-like solution..." Jamil slowly rose to his feet. "Then there's something I want to say, as equals."

Jamil's blank expression twisted into a sharp glare. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!"

Gwen gasped in surprise, covering her mouth.

"Eh?" Kalim's eyes went wide.

"Eh~~~~~~~!?" Grim's jaw dropped.

"Thoughtless and flakey, stupid and clumsy, infuriatingly carefree and arrogant, completely lacking in any sort of tact!!" Jamil spat the words out like venom, finally releasing years of pent up anger. "Who in their right mind would be friends with someone like that of their own volition!? Unless it's in my interest I have no intention of spending of a second of my time with you!"

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