Headmaster Crowley

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"Ah! Found you!" The man beamed at Gwen. He strutted across the room to her. "You're one of the new students, correct?"

"Students?" Gwen asked in confusion. But the strange bird man seemed not to hear her.

"You shouldn't do things like that! Leaving the gate on your own!" He chided, even wagging his finger at her for emphasis. "Not only that, you have yet to tame your familiar too! Which has broken a number of rules!"

Gwen shook her head. Something felt wrong about this man saying that. Obviously Grim wasn't her familiar, and the idea that this man thought he was, unsettled her. "No sir, Grim isn't my-"

The man interrupted her again. "You also gave the dorm leaders quite a scare, running around like that!"

"Oh golly!" Gwen gasped, remembering the boys she had run into. "Are they okay?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, they're fine." The man answered absentmindedly. "They informed me you were being chased by your familiar. You must get better control over him!"

"Let me go!" Grim snapped, squirming in the rope. "I'm not her familiar!"

"Sure, sure. The rebellious ones always say that." He said, picking Grim up. "Just be quiet for a moment." He put a clawed hand over Grim's mouth. "Goodness, it's unprecedented for a student to leave the gate on their own. How impatient."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Gwen said.

"I shall forgive you, for I am gracious." The man reassured her. "Come, the entrance ceremony is well underway. Let's head back to the hall of mirrors." With a flourish, the man turned on his heel and began to walk. Gwen hurried to catch up to him.

"Excuse me sir, but what's the hall of mirrors?" She asked.

"It's the room where you woke up, with all those doors." He explained.

"Oh! So those coffins are doors then?"

"Yes. All students who wish to attend this academy must pass through one of those doors to arrive here." He slowed down to look over his shoulder at her. "Normally students wake up only after the door is opened with a special key but..."

"Golly! The fire must have blown the lid off!" Gwen realized.

The man glared at the squirming cat in his arms. "So in the end the culprit appears to be this familiar." He looked over at Gwen. "If you're going to bring it with you, you have to take responsibility and properly take care of it." He blinked suddenly and quickened his pace. "Oh my! Now isn't the time to be long winded. The entrance ceremony will soon come to a close. "Let's get a move on!"

Gwen scurried to catch up to him. "Just a second sir! Who exactly are you?" She asked.

The man stopped and turned to face her. "What's this? Are you still dazed?" He observed her face carefully. "It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented. Well, it is fine. It happens often enough." He turned around and kept walking. "I shall give you an explanation as we make our way there. For I am gracious."

Gwen followed the man into a courtyard, and paused to look around. "Ahem." The man cleared his throat to regain her attention. "This is Night Raven College." He began. "Those magicians blessed with a unique aptitude for magic gather from all over the world, here at the most prestigious magical academy in Twisted Wonderland."

Gwen blinked. She... had never of heard of Twisted Wonderland before. The man continued. "And I am the headmaster, appointed to take care of this academy by the board chairman, Dire Crowley." He finally introduced.

"Night Raven College?" Gwen muttered. It's funny, but she did have a faint recollection of some kind of school.

"Only those magicians seen as worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this school." Crowley continued. "Chosen ones use the gate and are summoned here from around the world. An Ebony Carriage carrying a gate should have gone to meet you as well."

Gwen closed her eyes, trying to think. "I-I think I do remember seeing a carriage." She said, remember darkness.

"The Ebony Carriage goes to welcome new students chosen by the dark mirror. They are special carriages that carry the doors to this academy." Crowley explained further. "The market decided long ago that carriages are used to welcome people on special days."

"The market? From where?" Gwen asked.

Grim began to squirm and growl in Crowley's arm, making Gwen jump. She had forgotten he was there. Crowley readjusted his grip on Grim. "Come. Let's go to the entrance ceremony."

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