🐍 Snake Whisper

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"Sorry but I can't allow you to stay here any longer." Jamil said. "It's time for you to head back to the bottom of the sea."

"Jamil, whatever is the matter?" Azul asked in concern. "Have I offended you in some way...?"

"You really don't know?" Jamil had a devastated look on his face. "Even after seeing how said I am?"

"Eh?" Azul's eyes widened as they locked onto Jamil's.

"You've looked into my eyes, idiot." Jamil's expression morphed into a smirk.

"The one you see before you is your master." He chanted. "Answer when spoken to, bow your head to their orders. Snake Whisper."

"What!?" Azul's hands came up to clench at his head. "Gugh, my head...!"

"The pain won't cease as long as you struggle. My Diamond understood this right away." Jamil pointed out. "Just give up and obey. Obey!"

"Grr, uugghh..." Azul was visibly straining to fight against Jamil's hold.

"Azul, who is your master?" Jamil asked as Azul's eyes closed and he loosened up.

"My master is..." Azul's voice had gone monotone. "You, Master Jamil." Azul's eyes opened, revealing them to have turned crimson. "Please give me your orders... my master."

"Hmph, hahaha." Jamil began to laugh. "Hahahahaha!!"

"Did you let your guard down in front of this mediocre wizard? Really not a good look for the dorm head of Octavinelle, y'know." Jamil taunted.

"For real though... the plan I've been slowly working on all this time is gone in the wind thanks to you!" Jamil hissed. "My Diamond and her stupid cat were this close to working the residents into a frenzy to throw Kalim out! In order to take away Kalim's status as dorm head without dirtying my own hands... do you have any idea the gymnastics I had to pull off?"

"And worst of all... worst of all is I brought Gwen over here to make her mine! And that damn idiot... he got to her first!" Jamil spat. "And no matter how uncomfortable I had him make her... they're still falling in love!"

"I'll use Azul to order the twins back to the Coral Sea..." Jamil decided. "Wait, hold on."

Jamil turned to the hypnotized dorm leader. "Have all the abilities you had sealed in your contracts the other been returned to their proper owners?"

"Yes..." Azul replied.

"Tch, then that means I won't be using him like the genie of the lamp." Jamil scowled. "Azul's It's A Deal may be valuable but... keeping him brainwashed for an extended period of time would be difficult..."

"But I remember everything the contracts contained." Azul continued.

"What?" Jamil asked, intrigued.

"All those who made deals with me, their secrets..." Azul monologued in a blank voice. "Troubles, weaknesses, desires... i remember it all."

"What a distasteful collection." Jamil grinned. "I was right to not be friends with you. Within that distasteful collection of yours do you have any secrets from our Headmaster, Dire Crowley?"

"Of course." Azul replied. "I know secrets he would never want disclosed."

"Ha, hahah... wonderful." Jamil smirked. "This is wonderful! Everything is going swimmingly! You are my genie of the lamp, Azul!"

"Master, is it your wish to know the headmaster's secrets?" Azul asked.

"That's right." Jamil replied. "If I put pressure on the headmaster just right... I can finally be free... I'll get Kalim thrown out of school and become the dorm head! My Diamond will be all mine!"

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