🐺 Myz

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A hand grabbed Gwen's hair by the roots and tugged hard, pulling her out of the quicksand ink mixture. She kept her hands wrapped tight around Leona. She wouldn't leave him behind.

"Catch ya breath. Or die. I don't give a shit." A voice snarked.

Gwen shakily reached a hand up to rub her head. That had hurt! She looked over to see Leona was much the same way. Knowing Myz, they grabbed Leona by the braids.

Gwen looked up. "Teacher, you saved us!" She slowly stood up. "I'm so happy to see you!"

Myz had always radiated power. Their fingernails were painted black, and their white hair was chopped wildly and crazily, falling to their chin. Their heather eyes gleamed with power... and madness. Tattoos of ancient sigils and runes covered their bare arms, and Gwen knew more lay beneath their outfit.

"Have you caught your breath?" Myz asked, sounding concerned. "Good! I'm glad. Means I can do this."


"Owie!" Gwen ducked and covered her now even more sore head. "That hurt!"

"Good! What have I told you about calling me Teacher, you damn brat!?" Myz demanded.

"Sorry!" Gwen whimpered.

"What the fuck!?" Leona asked.

Gwen turned to face Leona. "Leona, this is my te-... this is Myz. Or, their more official title, the King of Beasts."

Leona blinked. He looked at Gwen, then to Myz, then back to Gwen. "Bullshit."

Myz snickered. "Dumbass, don't you know? The brat's from an alternate world. Alternate world, alternate Great Seven. King Pussy Cat doesn't exist in our world."

Leona growled at hearing Myz's degrading name of the King that his dorm was founded on. "Well then, what the hell are they doing here?"

Myz actually looked confused. "Gwen called for me." They turned to Gwen. "Damn, brat, how much can you not remember?"

"I remember you. How's Hayato?" Gwen asked.

"That bird brain? Pain in my ass as always." Myz rolled their eyes, but Gwen could see the fond smile on their face. They turned to Leona. "You wanna get outta here, kitty cat?"

"I would do literally anything to be away from you." Leona replied.

Myz started walking away. "Follow me."

Gwen followed after them, realizing the group had found itself in an lush jungle. Leona begrudgingly followed after the two. "Teach-"

Myz glared over their shoulder, holding up a tattooed fist.

"Uh, Myz, how'd we get here?" Gwen asked.

"Brat, as much as I would honestly love to spend three whole fucking hours discussing your weird ass magic... no." Myz turned and kept walking. "Besides, we don't have enough time."

Myz led the two to a lake in the middle of the oasis. Two streams fed into into. One was full of beautiful clear water. The other... looked sick. Black sludge trickled through it, and it radiated sickness.

"Dare you to drink it." Myz said.

"Myz!" Gwen chastised. "Not the time."

Leona walked over to the corrupted river and bent down. For a moment, Gwen was afraid Leona would put his hand in. Instead, Leona just sighed and stood up.

"God... I'm gonna have to kick my own ass, huh?" Leona turned around.

"Yep." Myz nodded. "It can be fun. I kick my ass every once in a while."

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