Grim's Banishment

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"Off With Your Head!" Riddle shouted.

"Nygah! The heck is this?!" Grim screeched as a black and red heart shaped collar appeared around his neck.

"Law of the Queen of Hearts: Number 23 'One shall never bring a cat into a festival.'" Riddle said. "You being a cat means you've broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once." He declared.

"I'm not a cat!" Grim snapped. "I'll burn this collar right up and... eh? I can't use my fire!"

Riddle's face turned smug. "Hmph! You won't be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat."

"What?! I'm not some pet!" Grim growled.

"Don't worry, I'd never keep a pet like you." Riddle replied. "I'll take it off anyway when you get thrown out."

"Wow, as wonderful as ever." The boy with glasses praised. "Any and all magic gets sealed by your unique magic, Riddle." A strange look came into his eyes. "I want it..." Gwen heard him whisper, before he fixed a smile on his face. "No. I wouldn't ever want that cast on me."

Crowley turned to face Gwen, amber eyes glaring down at her. "You must do something about this! It is your familiar!" He said.

"No, he's not!" Gwen shouted, closing her eyes and clenching her fists.

"It's not yours?" Crowley repeated.

"Mister Crowley, I have been trying to tell you that!" Gwen replied. "I've never seen Grim before he chased me throughout the school trying to attack me."

"Sorry!" Kalim said. "That might be our fault. We told him you were being chased by a rouge familiar, and I guess he assumed it was yours."

Headmaster Crowley looked very sheepish and cleared his throat. "Anyway, let's get it out of the school at any rate." He looked down at Grim, who was futility trying to escape the collar. "We won't turn you into stew. For I am gracious." He turned to the large crowd. "Someone help please!"

"Gyaaa!" Grim howled as he was picked up and escorted out. "Let me go!" He tried to get out of their grip, but it was useless. "I'm going to, going to... become the greatest magician!"

The doors slammed shut, blocking out his cries. Gwen honestly felt sorry for the poor thing. She wondered why he wanted to be a student so bad. "I kinda feel bad for him." She said.

Headmaster Crowley straightened himself out and turned to address the soaking wet students. "We had a bit of trouble along the way, but this brings the entrance ceremony to a close." He announced. "Dormitory Heads, please show the new students back to the dormitories."

Crowley paused, looking around. "Hm? Now that I think about it, I don't see the leader for Diasomnia, Mr. Draconia, around at all..."

The man with lions ears huffed. "That's no different than usual, is it?"

"What?" Kalim looked surprised. "Did nobody tell him about the ceremony?"

"If you're going to complain you should have done it yourself." The beautiful man said.

Kalim winced. "Hmmm. But i don't really know anything about that guy."

"By Draconia... do they mean that Malleus Draconia?" A student whimpered fearfully.

"Is he seriously attending this school?" Another student asked in terror.

"Scary..." Another student murmured.

"I was correct." Gwen saw a short boy with magenta stripes in his dark hair. Magenta eyes peered around the room. "I thought he might come but Malleus really didn't." He crossed his arms. "It seems the invitation 'never arrived' again."

"My deepest apologies." The glasses wearing boy said. Gwen couldn't tell if he was truly sincere or not. "I promise, we didn't mean to exclude you."

"His aura makes it hard to approach him." Riddle said.

Gwen's jaw dropped at such a horrible excuse. "So you just don't invite him places?" She asked. Magenta eyes observed her carefully. "That's so mean! Avoiding a person for his looks and reputation..." Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as she clenched her fists and ducked her head.

A hand patted her head. Gwen looked up to see the short boy. "Fufu. It's fine, little one." He assured her. "Though I thank you for your empathy." He turned to around to face a group of students. "Members of the Diasomnia Dormitory can come with me. I hope this doesn't upset him..."

Gwen reached out and tugged his sleeve. "I-I know he doesn't know me, and it might not mean much, but will you tell him I said sorry?"

The boy looked stunned, before a small smile bloomed on his face. "Fufu. Who knows? It might mean more than you think." He turned and began leading the students away.

As the group left, Gwen locked eyes with a silver haired boy and a green haired boy. Both nodded at her as they passed. Gwen smiled in return.

Riddle led his group out next, giving Gwen a polite smile as he left. "Good day Miss Brookes."

The lion haired boy walked out next, simply giving Gwen an appraising look. "Let's go Savanahclaw."

The boy with glasses was up next. "See you around Angelfish!" He cooed at her, causing her to blush.

Kalim led his group out next, enthusiastically waving and giving her another smile. Gwen beamed back and waved almost as hard as he did. Jamil bowed his head politely as he passed, a small smile on his face.

The beautiful boy walked by next, looking her over. "Be careful drying your hair out." Is all he said as he passed. Gwen blinked and ran a hand through her long black hair.

The tablet zoomed through the air, not saying anything. "What?" Gwen whispered in confusion at the sight.

Once everyone was gone, Gwen turned to Headmaster Crowley, who looked apologetic. "Miss Brookes, I'm terribly sorry about this but... we must have you leave the school."

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