🐙 Midterm Exams

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A few days later Gwen woke up to an unusual sight. She was half convinced she was still dreaming. Grim was actually making an effort to study.

"If the trend for this question is..." He mumbled. "Option 2 means it's a trick..."

"G'morning, Grim." Gwen yawned. "Golly, how early did you get up to study?"

Grim shrieked, turning around to face her. "Don't surprise me like that." Grim chastised. "You're gonna make me forget everything I memorized. Today's the last day of final exams! The two is us together count as one so don't go dragging me down."

Gwen rolled her eyes. It was more likely that the reverse would happen. "Alright, time to get ready and take those tests!"

Gwen had been tutored over the last few days by Riddle, Trey, Leona, Ruggie, and even Tsunotaro. She felt confident about this test.


"Time's up, puppies." Crewel said as the alarm went off. "Put your pens down and pass in your answer sheet like good, obedient pups. This concludes your final exams."

"Yay!" Ace, Deuce, and Grim cheered.

"Sit!" Crewel snapped. "It's too early to celebrate. Any bad boys who got low marks on their tests should be prepared to sacrifice their Christmas vacation to take make up lessons. Dismissed." Crewel gathered up the answer sheets and left the room.

"We're done, we're really done!" Ace cheered.

"I did everything I could." Deuce said proudly. "All that's left is to wait for the results."

"This test was a piece of cake for me." Grim laughed.

"Hm? You look pretty confident for a guy who always looks like the world is ending after written exams." Ace pointed out.

"Heh heeh. This time will be different." Grim replied smugly. "Get ready to call me the "Great Genius Grim!" and you'll be saying "Grim, help me study!" in no time."

"Sorry but I'm pretty confident this time around, too." Deuce smirked. "I feel bad but I'm going to win."

"Is that really something a guy who always gets low marks and cried like a baby should be saying?" Ace asked. "This time exams were a breeze for me too so I'm not gonna lose."

"You all studied hard, huh?" Gwen asked. "I feel like Grim only pulled that all-nighter, though. But I'm proud of all of you!"

"Well, y'know!" Ace began proudly, a blush on his face. "This was easy peasy!"

"Well, since tests are over I better make an appearance in track and field." Deuce said.

"I actually feel like going all out at basketball for the first time in a while." Ace agreed. "So let's all head out."

Grim jumped into Gwen's arms. "We should go home. I'm pooped from studying all night."

"Actually, I promised Ruggie I'd help him run some errands today." Gwen said. "But you can take a nap."


"Why did you ignore my summons yesterday?" Azul asked, looking across the table at the Octavinelle student. "It seems that you do not understand the position you're in right now." Azul pushed his glasses up.

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