🦁 Sandwich Thief

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"Hey! Hey! What's he doing in our bed!?" Gwen awoke to Grim's furious shouting.

Gwen sat up with a yawn. Then she realized what Grim was so mad at. "Riddle! Wake up!" She gently shook the red head. "You have to get back to Heartslabuyl to get ready for school."

Riddle shot up like a bullet. "I love you! Have a good day!" He gave her a quick kiss then bolted out of bed out of Ramshackle.

Grim hissed his displeasure. "If you're going to invite your boyfriends over they have to sleep on the couch."

"I started sleepwalking again." Gwen replied, starting to get ready for the day.

"You did?" Grim now looked concern. "But the ghosts watched you for three nights in a row!"

Gwen sighed. "We should tell Crowley about this. And the others. They'll be worried." She smiled at her reflection. "We've been through a lot, haven't we?"

"Okay! Time to get going." Grim said, once both were ready. "Another day closer to becoming a great wizard! Y'know~"


Gwen spent the day attending classes with Ace and Deuce. In between classes the four discussed her relapse into sleepwalking. Ace suggested smashing the mirror.

Finally, it was time for lunch. "Ugh~" Grim groaned as they headed to the lunchroom. Ace and Deuce held onto Gwen's hands. "Trein had to be using some sort of spell to put me to sleep. No matter how hard I resist, I lose to drowsiness!"

"You fell asleep five minutes in. That's not resisting at all." Deuce pointed out.

Ace laughed, swinging his and Gwen's hands a little. "Lunch time, what should I have today~" He paused at the entrance, looking at a large crowd. "Hmm? The cafeteria is extra crowded today."

One of the cafeteria ghosts floated by. "Today is a special day that happens once a month! A super popular bakery in town is here to promote at school!" He explained. "It sells out fast so early bird gets the worm!"

"Three chocolate croissants for me!" A Heartslabuyl student shouted, worming his way to the front.

"I actually got something this month!" Another Heartslabuyl student cheered. "This egg salad sandwich is the best!"

"The egg salad sandwich is already sold out!" Another cafeteria ghost announced. "There's only one deluxe minchi katsu sandwich left!"

"Everything looks really tasty." Ace let go of Gwen's hand to get a closer look. "I might have to go get something."

"It's really popular." Deuce noted. "Gwen, Grim, what do you wanna..." He looked around. "Huh?"

"Grim's gone!" Gwen realized. "The hungry beast has been unleashed."

"Outta my way!!" Grim shouted, shoving his way though the line. "All of you! That deluxe minchi katsu sandwich is mine!"

"Hey jerk, no cutting in line!" A Heartslabuyl student snapped.

Another Heartslabuyl student moved to grab him. "You've got some nerve cutting in front of your seniors, freshman! Get outta here!"

Gwen and the other two looked on. "He loses himself to food way too easily!" Deuce shook his head.

Ace just groaned in agreement.

Gwen sighed, heading into the crowd. "Let's stop him!"

Grim had already gotten his sandwich by the time Gwen and her boyfriends made it to the front. "Do you get how strong I am now!" Grim declared, holding the sandwich high above his head. "This last deluxe minchi katsu sandwich is all mine!" He laughed. "I'll also be taking the yakisoba bread and cream filled bread!"

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