🍎 Audition Routine

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The group watched as Vil dragged Epel away.

"Ffgna... that guy was totally playing with us, y'know." Grim pointed out with a sigh.

"I'm pissed." Ace spat, scowling. "Is there some dumb rule that says you're only allowed to be dorm head if you're a bastard?"

"If that was the case, Kalim would be a major violation of the rule..." Gwen muttered, tugging at her sleeve.

"I'm still wondering why you'd pick a fight with a dorm head." Deuce said. "The second Dorm Head Rosehearts hears about this you're head's long gone."

"Don't worry, I'll talk him down." Gwen promised with a giggle.

Deuce frowned, remembering how upset Epel had been.

Epel sighed, looking miserable. "I wish the whole thing would just go away."

"The Vocal & Dance Championship, huh..." Deuce muttered to himself.

Hidden in the shadows, someone continued to observe the four of them.

"Hmm... I see..." He hummed to himself.


The next day, the group met up in the gymnasium during lunch break. Gwen ended up not going to the audition that day, deciding to do a group audition with the others.

"It was hard to watch how sloppy your movements were." Ace recited in a snooty tone. "There wasn't even a spec of beauty between all of you."

"Out of 100 points, you score five." Grim continued, sticking his nose up in the air. "Grahhh! He pissed me off! I'm gonna blow him away with my dancing and singing at that audition then he'll beg me to be a rep. Just you wait!"

"Yeah!" Ace agreed. "Hey, Deuce. What made you change your mind about the audition?"

"He ticked me the hell off too." Deuce answered. "I'm also... worried about that guy."

"That guys is Epel, right?" Ace asked.

"Yup." Deuce confirmed. "He didn't look like he was trying out for the Vocal and Dance Championship because he wanted to."

"Hey, where's Gwen at?" Grim cut in. "She said she was going to get ready, but she's taking forever!"

"I'm over here guys!" Gwen's voice called. "Sorry, it took me a minute to get everything ready."

"Well, it's about time..." Ace turned to her, trailing off in shock. "Whoa."

Deuce's jaw dropped in shock. "You... you look..."

"Your hair!?" Grim shrieked.

Gwen giggled, doing a pirouette to show off what she was wearing. "Do you like it? I had to stop by Crewel's office for help with my hair."

Gwen's hair had been pulled up into a braided bun, two long strips of hair hanging down and dyed red. She was wearing a pink and purple ballet tutu. Draped across her arms was a red hood.

"You look amazing!" Ace laughed.

"How long have you had this?" Deuce wondered.

"What are you wearing?" Grim asked.

"This is a ballet costume I did a show in once." Gwen answered. "It's the strangest thing. I woke up this morning and this was folded up in front of the mirror with this note attached."

The note read: Casser une patte petit oiseau!

"What does it mean?" Deuce asked.

"Break a leg, little birdie." Gwen translated. "I guess someone on the other side of the mirror heard me talking about doing ballet to audition and sent me this."

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