🐙 Museum Date

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Two days later, Gwen was cleaning the dishes from their breakfast when there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" Gwen went into the hallway, but before she could even touch the doorknob, the door opened, and Floyd and Jade walked in.

"Lil' Shrimp, Seally, g'morning!" Floyd greeted. "We came to pick you up. Let's go."

"You guys know I'm grounded, right?" Gwen asked.

"Yes, we are all well aware of that fact." Jade replied. "Which is why we're being very careful not to let Crowley know."

"Man, seeing you guys makes me scared that you're gonna try to take something again." Grim said.

"You wound me." Jade put his hand to his heart. "We would never do anything unsightly to those who don't break contracts. Besides, I made sure Floyd returned everything he took."

"What?" Gwen asked.

"Nothing." Jade assured her. "Today is bright and sunny, wonderful weather for a field trip... which means."

"Let's get a move on to the Atlantica Memorial Museum!" Floyd cheered.

"Azul was gracious enough to pay the entrance fee for everyone so don't worry." Jade added. "He went on ahead and is going to be waiting for us there.

"He didn't alter the photo right?" Gwen asked. "We have to put the photo back."

"You're so serious. We know, okay." Floyd teased. "Now, time to go~"

"Have a nice time, kid!" Larry called. "We'll cover for you."

"Thanks guys!" Gwen called back.


"Wow, it's so cool." Ace said. "The inside is amazing."

"There's a statue of a legendary king..." Deuce pointed out. "The bottom of the sea has a lot of other great figures."

"This king is pretty shredded." Jack noted.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the Atlantica Memorial Museum." Azul greeted, approaching the group. "I made a reservation for us all under Mostro Lounge so please enjoy everything the museum has to offer."

"There he is, octopus-man Azul..." Grim hissed. "Oh wait, why are you still in your human form?"

It was a good question, as Jade and Floyd were in their true forms.

"Octo-mers like me are exceedingly rare around here you see..." Azul replied. "I'd really like to avoid leaving in weird impressions after I return the photo."

"There is no need to worry." Jade assured, swimming up to Azul. "Nobody would ever notice that the chubby octopus in the photo was you."

"We came all the way out here so wouldn't it be more convenient to be in your real form?" Floyd asked.

"Hmm." Azul adjusted his glasses. "Please leave me be. I will go get this photo returned... please take a look around the museum."

"They have the mermaid princess's dinglehopper on display over there." Floyd gestured, drawing everyone's attention.

"I saw it in the pamphlet but that's totally a fork right?" Ace said. "No matter how you look at it."

"It might look like that to those from land." Jade chuckled.

Jade and Floyd herded the group away, leaving only Gwen and Azul.

"You're not going?" Azul asked.

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