❤️ Late Night Vist

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Gwen only slept for about two more hours before she was awoken by knocking. She groaned as she sat up. "Is someone knocking on the door?"

Grim rubbed an eye. "Hey, Gwen. Sounds like we have a late night visitor." He pointed out as the knocking continued. "What? Is it those ghosts again? They don't know when to quit."

"No, it couldn't be the ghosts." Gwen pointed out. "They were really worried about me sleepwalking, and sent me back to bed once I woke up."

"Huh?" Grim blinked. "Sleepwalking?"

Gwen slowly got out of bed. "Yeah, apparently I walked all the way downstairs and stood in front of the mirror." She slid on a pair of fuzzy slippers Sam had given her. "C'mon, Grim, let's see what's going on."

Grim groaned and reluctantly followed her downstairs and into the foyer. Gwen walked to the front door. "Who would come over this late?" She wondered aloud. "Hello, who is it?" She called louder.

"It's me, Ace. Let me in." The person on the other side replied.

Gwen opened the door. What was Ace up to? It was 2:00 in the morning.

"Ace?" Grim repeated. "What're you doing this late..." He yelped. "You have a collar!" Gwen did a double take, looking at Ace with wide eyes. It was true. Ace had a red and black collar locked around his neck.

Ace glowered. "I'm never going back to Heartslabuyl." He announced. "Starting today I'm joining your dorm!"

"Come again?!" Grim and Gwen said in unison. Both were now wide awake. They followed Ace into the living room.

"That's the same collar that the red-haired upperclassmen put on me during the entrance ceremony." Grim pointed out. "Why do you have something like that on?"

"I ate a tart." Ace replied, sitting on the recliner.

"You just... ate a tart?" Gwen asked, taking the loveseat. Maybe she was still asleep, and this was all a weird dream.

"Yup, just that!" Ace scowled. "I was hungry when I got back to the dorm, so I checked the fridge and there were tarts chilling inside. Three whole tarts! So..."

Ace sighed as he walked into the Heartslabuyl kitchen. "I'm exhausted on day one. And I missed out on dinner, so hungry." He walked over to the fridge and opened it up. "In the fridge we have... Ah, tarts! These look good! There's so much, nobody's gonna notice one piece missing."
Ace grabbed a knife, fork and plate. Cutting out a slice of one of the tarts, he dug in. "Thanks for the meal. Wow! This is amazing!" Ace has stars in his eyes.
"Of course it's delicious." A voice said from behind Ace. "Trey does not make tarts that are anything but the best."

"There's nothing better than this!" Ace agreed, turning to face the new person. "Not even those sold in... Eh, dorm leader?!"

Riddle crossed his arms with a glare. "You sure have some nerve putting your hands on things that belong to me. Laws of the Queen of Hearts, Number 89: 'One shall not eat a tart without the queen's permission'." He recited.

Riddle pulled out his wand. "Tart theft is an unforgivable crime! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

"Gyaa!" The collar locked itself around Ace's neck.

"The end." Ace finished. Grim and Gwen shared a blank look with each other.

"You're both in the wrong." Grim said bluntly.

"Isn't sealing my magic for stealing a bit of tart going too far?!" Ace demanded. "For a wizard it's like having your arms and legs chained up. And there were three whole tarts! There's no way he can eat them by himself! There's got to be a limit to how narrow minded you can be!"

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