🦁 Magical Shift

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"Yeah, what is a Magical Shift Tournament?" Gwen asked.

"What, Gwen, you don't know Magift?" Ace asked.

"It's famous around the world." Deuce said. "There's a pro league and World Cup, too."

"I don't know, either!" Grim added.

"Magical shift... Magift for short is a sport played by two teams of seven." Ace began. "Put simply, there's a disk that you have to throw through the other team's goal to score points. The team with the most points wins."

"Oh, that sounds like fun!" Gwen said. "It kinda reminds me of the Fortune Festival."

"Fortune Festival?" Deuce asked. "Is that a celebration in your world?"

"Hmm... it's not something I've heard before." Crowley looked intrigued. "I'll look it up next time I'm in the library. It might even turn into a lead..."

"But it mights be hard for you to take part in a game of magift, Gwen." Ace pointed out.

"Why's that?" Grim asked.

"Magical shift is a sport that uses magic." Deuce reminded. "The disk is carried with magic, defense and offense also use magic."

"How big a spectacle you can make with magic is also part of being a great player." Ace continued.

"Yes!" Crowley cut in. "That's why Night Raven College is known as a champion around the world! Countless alumni have gone on to be pro players! Magift is just an athletic sport but one that uses magic to compete as well."

"Our school's Inter-Dorm Magical Shift Tournament is attended by representatives of pro leagues and those from different magical industries around the world." Crowley continued. "The arena will be lined with food stalls and visitors from different countries will grace the stadium. It is a tournament that'll make your palms sweat and works the whole world into a frenzy thanks to the live broadcast TV cameras."

"World wide broadcast!?" Grim repeated. "So if I play in that tournament the whole world will be paying attention to me!?"

"Certainly!" Crowley confirmed. "Those who play in the tournament will without a doubt become popular with pro leagues and any number of sponsors."

"In your case, Grim, I think they'd be more surprised by seeing a monster play." Deuce grinned.

"Oh yeah!" Grim cheered. "I'll start some special training today and stand out to everyone in that stadium!"

"Oh but Grim, you can't play at all." Crowley said.

"Huh?" Grim was floored.

"Haven't I said Inter-Dorm several times already?" Crowley said. "Your dorm doesn't meet the seven person requirement does it? So you can't even apply."

Grim shrieked in despair. "How can that be!!!"

"Selling drinks in the stands the day of, preparing the field for the tournament, there are many things that have to be done." Crowley said. "Standing on the field as a player isn't the only role."

"Oh! I can run a face paint station!" Gwen suggested.

"I- a face paint station?" Crowley blinked. "Well, I suppose... you would be perfect for it." He nodded. "Very well then. But, half of your proceeds go back to the school. You may keep the other half, for I am gracious."

"No way! No way!" Grim hissed, his flames burning bright. "I wanna hear 'Kyaa! Grim is so cool!' 'Hey, did you see his super play!?' from the crowd as they all cheer for me!"

"That's a pretty basic delusion..." Ace muttered.

"Hmm. Can't be helped since you don't have enough people." Deuce said. "You might have to give up on this year and hope that some freshmen get sorted into Ramshackle dorm next year."

Gwen picked Grim and petted him. "It'll be okay Grim. You can help me with the face paint!"

Grim muttered under his breath, looking depressed.

"I really must be getting back to work!" Crowley interrupted. "Aah, busy busy busy."

"You got my hopes up for nothing, you jerk." Grim whimpered.


Outside, unbeknownst to those in the office, two figures stood outside the office, listening in. "Oya, oya." One said. "Did you hear that? It seems our little Damselfish can use magic."

"Aw, poor Shrimpy!" The other cooed. "She has now way of knowing if she's in danger!"

"We should tell Azul."

As the Leech Twins silently slinked away, Ruggie slipped out from his hiding place. "Shi Shi Shi! She's from another world!? Oh I have got to tell Leona!"

As Ruggie rushed off, Rook stepped out. "Oh, my Petit Oiseau Chanteur! You become more interesting by the day. Vil will be intrigued."

Lilia watched as Rook sauntered away. "How many hiding places are there around here?" He wondered, watching as a tablet floated away. "I suppose we're all curious about our dear maiden. Hmm... I wonder if she's told Malleus she's from another world?" Lilia teleported away.


"Oh, our poor unfortunate Angelfish." Azul said once he received the news. "To have so much power, and be unable to use it because she can't learn her limits."

Floyd nodded. "I just wanna give her a big squeeze!"

"Someone should take that power off her hands." Azul grinned, and began writing up a very special contract.


"You're lyin' out your ass." Leona said after Ruggie filled him in.

"Nope! It's all true!" Ruggie insisted. "I heard it with my own ears!"

Leona groaned, rolling over. "Dammit! All we had to do was worry about Malleus, now we gotta worry about the herbivore too!?" He paused, thinking it over. "Either we get her on our side, or we get rid of her. Ruggie, keep an eye on her!"


"Well, that certainly explains a few things." Vil said, applying his makeup. "That poor girl."

Rook smiled. "Ah, but my Petit Oiseau Chanteur is so much stronger than she seems."

Vil stilled. "Rook... how exactly do you feel about her?" He asked.

Rook knew what his lover was thinking. He quickly crossed the room to hold his hand. "My Rui de Poison, my heart beats a melody solely devoted to you." He reminded. "But... for Gwen... it had begun to beat a new melody for her."

Vil pressed his lips into a thin line. "She is rather pretty, isn't she?" A considerate look came across his face. "What would she look like if she was under my care?"

Rook smiled. The idea of his two loves, outshining all those around them with their beauty. It made his heart race!


"Ah. Yes, that makes sense." Malleus nodded. He had been reading on his couch when Lilia appeared. "Lilia, would there be books about other worlds in the library back home?"

Lilia tried to remember. "Perhaps. We can check over winter break."

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