⛵️ The Sea Witch

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Gwen was eight when she first met Killian. Just like with Myz and Quinn, she couldn't remember the circumstances that led to them meeting.

She remembered being at the docks, trying to find a certain ship. Oh, what was it called again? She'd never find it at this rate. And then she heard it.

The King and his men
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones
the seas be ours and by the powers
where we will we'll roam

Hmm... Gwen decided to follow the music.

Yo ho, all hands
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die

Gwen passed many different ships, and had to duck around a lot of people. All the while, the song was getting louder.

Now some have died
and some are alive
and others sail on sea
with the keys to the cage
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler's Green.

Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die

Gwen spotted a ship with a skull and crossbones painted onto a black flag. Painted on the side was the name: The Golden Shell. Sitting on the bowsprit was a young man with short white hair. A golden shell glowed brightly around his neck as he sang.

The bell has been raised
from it's water grave
Hear it's sepulchral tone?
A call to all
pay heed the squall
and turn yourself toward home

Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die

Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die

Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die

Gwen walked up the gang way and onto the ship, remaining unnoticed by the man.

The King and his men
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones.
The seas be ours and by the powers
Where we will we'll roam.

"You sound nice." Gwen said.

"BLOODY FUCKING HELL!!" The man almost fell off the bowsprit, barely hanging on. He whipped around to face Gwen. "How long have you been standin' there!? Pa fè m pè konsa!"

"For most of your song." Gwen replied. "Are you Captain Killian Desrouleaux?"

"Aye, that be me." The man carefully stood up on the bowsprit, making his way safely back on the ship. "And who are ye?"

"I'm Gwen Brookes!" Gwen responded.

"Oh, right!"  Killian nodded. "The letters and all that. Well, welcome aboard lass!"


One day, Gwen was allowed to spend a whole week on Killian's ship with his crew. There was only one problem on the first night... all the beds were hammocks, and they were to high up for Gwen to use.

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