🐍 Spicy Happenstance

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"Wow, look at all that snow!" Grim said in awe. "It's a winter wonderland!"

"It does look amazing." Gwen agreed, tugging her beanie down over her ears. "I'm worried about the fireplace."

"Those fire fae are probably starting to feel a little chilly, too." Grim said. "We should get them some firewood. And we can see if there's anything to eat in the kitchen while we're there! La lala~"

Gwen and Grim hurried to cafeteria, passing by Main Street. Gwen stopped to look at the statue of the Sea Witch.

"Around this time, Killian would be enchanting the Golden Shell to resist the cold so that the crew would be warm." Gwen said. "Neko would be opening the hidden doors to help people visit family more easily. And Myz and Hayato would be arguing over which tree to chop down and use for the Christmas tree."

"I'm sorry Gwen." Grim said. "But we can celebrate together."

"Yeah." Gwen nodded, looking over at the statue of the Sorcerer of the Sand.

Suddenly, the statue flickered. A turban, a cape, something reptilian curled around the arm. Something in the hand glowing gold.

"Gwen! Gwen!" Grim called. "Are you alright? Is it happening again?!"

"I'm fine." Gwen waved him off. "I'm fine."

"Gwen... you lied earlier, didn't you?" Grim asked. "You had another dream."

"No... I didn't." Gwen lied. "But this is good! It means my memories can come back without dealing with overblots!"

"Okay..." Grim didn't look like he believed her.

"Come on, Grim. Let's get out of the cold." Gwen changed the subject.


"It's freezing out there." Grim shivered. "I thought my paws were gonna turn to ice! Get that wood into the fireplace!"

Gwen nodded, still shivering as she moved some logs into the fireplace.

A few small, fiery winged things appeared, warming up the room.

"So you guys are the fire fae that live here." Grim sighed as he warmed up. "Just being next to you warms me to the core, y'know."

The fire fae smiled as they burned through the logs, helping to warm up Gwen and Grim.

Gwen sighed happily, warming her hands up. "This is going to be a pretty easy job."

"Hm? What's this?" Grim wondered, his ears pricking up. "I hear a sound like a knife on a cutting board and juicy frying meat mixed in with the crackle of the fire?!?! Then there's the smell of spices from a far off land adding that certain something!"

Gwen sniffed the air. "Mmh. Yeah, what is that delicious smell?"

"It's coming from the kitchen." Grim said. "Let's check it out!"

Gwen and Grim peeked into the kitchen to see a familiar face.

"After the vegetables have finished cooking add in the meat from the fridge and bring it to a boil." Jamil instructed the Scarabia students. "Don't forget to add the nuts once the oil has heated up."

"Got it!" One student replied, getting to work.

"Vice dorm head, about the amount of spice, is one tablespoon enough?" Another student asked.

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