A Dream...?

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"Hey! Hey Gwen!" A voice squeaked. "Time to get up silly!"

Gwen slowly opened her eyes to see a mouse sitting on her chest. "Eep! A mouse!"

The mouse tilted its head. "What? Don't tell me that you forgot all about your best friend Keri!"

Gwen blinked as memories came rushing back. "Oh, of course! Keri!" She sat up, cupping her familiar in her hands. "Oh, Keri, you wouldn't believe the dream i had!"

"Dreams can wait." A woman with with long black hair and an old fashioned purple dress said, approaching the bed. "Look here Miss Pomp."

"Professor Morganna?" Gwen looked into her wand. "What happened?"

"Hm.... No signs of a concussion, and vital signs are stable." Professor Morganna put her wand away. "It was a collision incident during flying lessons."

"Oh. That's right." Gwen nodded. "Kitty and I slammed into each other and fell off our brooms."

Professor Morganna rolled her eyes. "I have told Phil countless times. If he's going to supervise flying lessons, then he needs to be in the sky with the students."

"Where is Kitty?" Gwen asked, concerned for the other girl.

"Oh, Dorm Leader Alizarin came and collected her an hour ago." Keri said. "Oof, you should have heard the lecture he was giving her!"

"He's not the Dorm Leader of Rosedali for nothing." Gwen giggled. "Am I good to go Professor?"

"Yes, but your brother insisted on picking you up." Professor Morganna replied. "He should be here any moment."

"Oh no..." Gwen sighed. "This should be fun..."

Keri climbed on top of Gwen's head.

"If he kicks down my door one more time..." Professor Morganna had murder in her eyes.

Unfortunately, the door was indeed kicked down.

"Yo!" Blue flaming hair, piercings and all, Gwen's older brother Nyx made his grand entrance.

"Nyx..." Professor Morganna growled.

"Hey, relax teach." Nyx replied, turning his attention to his sister. "Hey loser, can you go a week without bumping your noggin?"

"I don't do this on purpose!" Gwen protested.

"Yeah, yeah..." Nyx rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's get back to the dorm."

"Piggy back me!" Gwen demanded.

"You want me to piggyback you?" Nyx snickered. "What are you, three?"

Gwen stuck out her tongue.

"Alright, alright, grab on you little rat!" Nyx allowed Gwen to grab onto him before taking off.

"Bro, I had the weirdest dream!" Gwen said as they walked across campus. "So I woke up in a coffin, and there was this raccoon that demanded I strip for him."

"What the fuck!?" Nyx laughed. "You have some weird ass dreams. What else happened?"

"Okay, so apparently I was at an all boys school and I couldn't use magic!" Gwen continued. "And the headmaster looked like if Headmaster Diaval had given up on life!"

"Wow." Keri giggled. "Was I there?"

"No, actually. I think the cat was supposed to be you." Gwen replied. "There was this short angry red head that reminded me of Alizarin, a beastman who looked like Leonidas, someone like Verte, someone who reminded me of Nakim, A gender bent Mira, I kinda think you were there... and I think someone like Malek was supposed to be there."

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