🦁 Enter the Deadly Rebel

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"If you have that much power, why do things like this!?" Riddle demanded.

"Why...?" Leona repeated. "How's knowing the reason going to change anything? Are you going to scold me then comfort me? In this world there are plenty of times when talent and effort make no difference." He looked at Ruggie, still struggling in his grasp. "Just like Ruggie can't do anything to me right now. So pathetic. Truly pitiful..."

Ruggie continued to choke in his grasp.

"Knock it off!" Jack shouted. "Unleash Beast!"

There was a sudden howling noise that tore through the stadium, and in a flash of light, a giant wolf was standing in Jack's place.

"That's!?" Riddle gasped as Jack snarled.

"Oh golly! He transformed into a giant wolf!?" Gwen shouted in surprise.

"The hell!?" Leona shouted in confusion, his grip loosening on Ruggie. Jack snarled and charged towards Leona, slamming into him. "Gah!" Leona was knocked back several feet, Ruggie falling out of his grasp.

Ruggie gasped for air, clutching his throat and arm.

"Leona's guard is down!" Riddle realized. "Off With Your Head!"

This time the collar actually managed to lock around Leona's neck. "Gah!" Leona tried to fight off Jack, who was keeping him pinned down.

"Very nice Riddle!" Cater cheered. "You stopped Leona's magic!"

"He let go of Ruggie!" Deuce pointed out. "Bring him here!"

Cater created a clone of himself and the two dashed forward, grabbing onto Ruggie and dragging him back to safety.

Gwen pulled out her paintbrush and a bottle of ink, creating bandages for Ruggie's wound.

"Sebek, let's get any injured out of here." Silver said.

"Don't assume to give me orders, Silver!" Sebek snapped. But, begrudgingly, he followed his senior away.

"Dammit...!" Leona cursed. "A collar, and a lion like me...!?" He glared up at the wolf of top of him. "Jack! Where the hell did you get your hands on a banned transformation potion?"

Jack morphed back to normal. "Unleash Beast!" He explained, climbing off of Leona. "My unique magic lets me shape-shift into a wolf!"

"Huh... you can use magic to become an actual dog?" Leona asked, siting up. "That's certainly unique!"

"Leona... I... I...!" Jack clenched his fists. "I wanted to get into this school because I looked up to you! Where has the Leona I admired gone to!?"

"Don't just shove your dreams onto me..." Leona said. "So annoying..."

"I may not have the right to say anything but, I can't stand to look at you right now." Riddle shook his head. "Confine yourself to your room and cool your head for a bit!"

"You really are a selfish, lazy, asshole, Leona!" Gwen added.

Leona blinked, looking slightly taken aback, before scowling. "What do any of you know?" He asked. "Preaching on and on just like my brother..."

"Hmph." Lilia gave Leona a disappointed look. "Men like you are much more suited for that collar than a crown. Listening to a royal lion of the savannah talk like this is appalling."

"Huh!?" Leona looked pissed.

"You appear to be lamenting how you'll never be king due to natural skills and order of birth but..." Lilia smirked condescendingly. "You live slothful if you aren't rewarded, if things don't go according to your expectations you become petty and find fault in your retainers."

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