🐍 The Tactician's Queen

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Author's Note: this is not what Gwen looks like, but this is what I imagine she's wearing.

Gwen awoke on a pile of cushions and blankets. "Hmm..." She groaned, reaching a hand up to rub at her eyes.

She was created by the sound of clanging chains. Gwen's eyes widened as she woke up fully. "What..."

Gwen sat up, looking around the room. She was back in the Scarabia Lounge, laid out on a pile of cushions by the throne. Gold cuffs wrapped around her wrists, a chain linking them together and then leading up to...

"You're finally awake. And here I was, worried you'd sleep through the party." Jamil stared down at her from the throne. Her chains were connected to the staff Jamil was holding.

"Jamil?" Gwen gasped softly. "W-where are the others?"

Jamil's face darkened. "Those fools are far away now, where they are no longer a concern to you. It would be in your best interest to never bring them up again."

Okay, okay. So what Gwen needed to do was stall maybe... she could do that! Or, maybe she could find her paintbrush and take Jamil on herself? No, perhaps the best option was to play along and try to calm him down... that's what she'd do!

"Yes, Jamil." Gwen nodded.

Jamil shook his head. "Try again."

Gwen's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to think. "Yes, my love?" She guessed.

Jamil chuckled. "How about my sultan?"

"Oh!" Gwen nodded. "My sultan!"

Jamil reached down to stroke her hair. "Good girl."

"My sultan, will you please take these off?" Gwen asked, gesturing towards the chains.

Jamil raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to try to fight me again?"

"No, my sultan!" Gwen assured him, shaking her head. "I'll behave now."

With a flick of his wrist, and the staff, what once would have been almost impossible now took a mere fragment of his strength. Gwen was lifted off the ground and pulled into Jamil's lap.

"Oof!" Gwen gripped Jamil's shoulders as she landed in his lap, trying to steady herself.

Jamil chuckled again, taking Gwen's hands and pressing kisses to them. The chains dissolved, but the cuffs remained. The snakes wrapped around her, their cold scales making her shiver. Their tongues flicked against her skin, making her giggle from the ticklish vibrations.

Gwen hesitantly reached out a hand to one of the snakes, looking towards Jamil for permission. After he nodded, Gwen began to stroke one of the snakes. The others swarmed her, each one trying to be pet by her.

Gwen laughed as they wrapped around her wrists, making her bracelets jangle on her arm. Wait, she hadn't been wearing bracelets earlier...

Gwen looked down at her outfit and gasped, her face flushing. "W-who changed..."

"I did." Jamil answered, tugging at the chain on her hip. "A much more fitting out for my Queen, don't you think?"

"W-when did you..." Gwen's hands went up to cover her face in humiliation.

"Relax." Jamil pried her hands away from her face, peppering kisses all over her blushing face. "I didn't touch you. I used your paintbrush."

Gwen paled, her eyes going wide. No one in this world was supposed to be able to use it... but Jamil, who was in overblot could. How was that possible?

"Where is my paintbrush, my sultan?" Gwen asked, trying to calm herself down.

"Safe with me." Jamil said. One of his snakes stretched out behind the throne and came back with her paintbrush in its mouth. Gwen reached out to grab it, but the snake retreated back behind the throne. "You can have it back when you earn it back."

"Yes, my sultan." Gwen agreed, mentally cursing herself. She had been so close to her paintbrush!

Jamil reclined back on the throne, resting his chin on his fist. "How did that happen?"

Gwen tilted her head in confusion, then realized where Jamil was looking at. She flinched and wrapped her arms around her chest, trying to shield her scars from view.

"I don't remember." She admitted. "But I don't like... I don't want people looking at them!"

"You say that as though I'd allow anyone else to gaze at you." Jamil replied, wrapping his arms around Gwen and pulling her close to him. "You are a gem for my eyes only Little Mouse."

Gwen slowly lowered her arms, even though she still felt uncomfortable with anybody seeing her scars.

Jamil began to play with her hair and braid it. "A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself should be on the arm of the most powerful man in the world." Jamil pressed a kiss to the locks of her hair in his hands. "In fact... I have a gift for you."

Jamil snapped his fingers and Zayn stepped forward.

Gwen gasped, taking another look around the room. The students of Scarabia were standing around the room, all of them under Jamil's thrall.

"What do you think?" Jamil asked, begin to press kisses to her throat.

Gwen watched as Zayn kneeled in front of the throne, holding up a cushion. Resting on the cushion was a dazzling golden tiara that glinted in the light.

"Is that for me!?" Gwen gasped, putting a hand to her chest.

Jamil chuckled into her throat. "All for you Little Mouse." He promised. "Be my queen, and I will spoil you rotten!"

"Yes!" Gwen nodded rapidly, putting an overjoyed expression on her face. "Yes, yes, yes!!"

Oh golly I hope he's buying this!

Miracle of miracles, Jamil seemed to have bought her act. He laughed, extending a snake to grab the tiara. He placed it on Gwen's head. "So beautiful..."

Jamil pulled Gwen into a kiss, making her eyes widen.

Oh golly! It feels wrong to be doing this with him while his in this state. Just play along for now Gwen! You can apologize when he's back to normal.

Gwen hesitantly kissed back, still feeling uncomfortable with this whole situation. At least it was just a kiss...

Jamil pulled away, looking at Gwen with hooded eyes. "Little Mouse..." He purred.

Jamil pulled Gwen up against his chest, one hand grabbing her hair to tilt her head and the other one sliding down to her butt.

Jamil went straight for her neck, biting and sucking all over.

Gwen's face was bright red, and she felt like she was going to pass out. "J-Jamil!" She cried out, gripping his shoulders tightly.

Jamil laughed as he pulled away, standing up from the throne, easily holding Gwen with just one arm.

"Prepare the lounge!" He shouted to the controlled masses. "We're throwing a grand party!"

The students cheered, before moving around to decorate the lounge and bring out tables for the food and drinks.

"As for you my Little Mouse..." Jamil turned his attention back to her. "Perhaps you and I can dance together."

Oh golly... Azul, Jade, Floyd, Grim... Kalim... please, please get back here soon!

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