🐍 Enter the Traitorous Tactician

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Jamil's magic tried to control our heroes, but Azul used Bind The Heart to keep them all safe.

"I can't believe this." Azul said. "He's controlling this many people at the same time, and giving them individual commands! There's nothing mediocre about him. He's in the top class of the entire school, not just Scarabia!"

Floyd threw a student into two others. "These guys keep getting back up no matter how much I squeeze them. Damn zombies!"

Gwen painted a vase, which slammed into Omar's head, making the boy collapse. "Ooh... sorry Omar..." Gwen winced. "That's really gonna hurt later."

"Jamil!" Kalim cried. "Stop already, I get it. You can be dorm head and I'll go home..."

"Huh? Come again." Jamil slightly tilted his head. "The spell that binds me can't be released just like that... as long as you exist in this world, Kalim!"

"Jamil, you mustn't." Jade warned. "If you continue using your unique magic like this you're going to exceed safe levels of blot...!"

"Shut up!" Jamil shouted. "Don't order me around. I won't listen to anyone's orders ever again!! I'm going to be free!!"

"JAMIL!!" Gwen shrieked as his heart overflowed.

When the ink cleared... it was no longer Jamil standing there.

"What the!?" Kalim's eyes went wide. "What's happened to Jamil?!"

"The very air around us has been warped." Jade noted. "This is the same as what happened to Azul...!"

"Overblot!" Azul shouted. "We can't hope for reinforcements during winter vacation, this is really not good."

"That guy's gone full evil berserker mode!?" Grim gasped.

"He's overflowing with blot and negative energy..." Azul took a step back. "Everyone, here comes!"

"Jamil!" Gwen tried to run for him, but Jade caught her and held her back.

"No!" Jade snapped, holding her close to him. "Damselfish, I know you're worried for him, but that is a horrible idea."

"Do you have ink?" Azul asked.

Gwen nodded, reaching into her pockets and pulling out her paintbrush and a bottle. "I still have the ink you gave me."

"Good." Azul nodded. "Then let's save Jamil."

Everyone pulled out their pens and turned to face Jamil.

"Well, let's settle this... I'm done living like this." Jamil sneered.

"We have to bring him back to his senses..." Azul said. "The moment he runs out of magic, he's done for."

"Jamil! Please." Kalim begged. "Come back to yourself!"

The fight was clearly one sided, with Jamil in complete control.

"Jamil!!" Gwen cried, tears of fear and frustration starting to run down her face. "I'm sorry! I tried to keep this from happening, but I couldn't!"

"Don't weep for me, Little Mouse!" Jamil replied. "With this power, I can finally break free of the shackles holding me back!"

Jamil held out his hand. "Come to me, my Little Mouse, and I will make you a queen!" He promised.

Kalim pushed Gwen behind him, keeping himself between Jamil and Gwen.

Jamil hissed at this, the snakes echoing the sound. "Get the fuck away from her!" He demanded.

"Jamil, please this isn't you!" Kalim said. "You have to turn back!"

"Kalim... if you don't get the fuck away from her..." Jamil began. "I'm going to kill you."

"Angelfish." Azul turned to look at her. "Run. Now!"

Gwen nodded, turning on her heel and dashing away. She didn't get very far.

"Gwen watch out!" Grim called.

Something wrapped around Gwen's waist and lifted her into the air. Gwen shrieked and clawed at the thing, trying to pry it off of her.

It was one of Jamil's snakes!! It had stretched out and wrapped around her, pulling her into Jamil's grasp.

"Let her go!" Kalim pleaded.

"Let her go?" Jamil repeated. "Why would I ever want to do that?"

"Jamil, please!" Gwen tried to squirm out of his arms. "Let me go! This isn't like you!"

"This is me!" Jamil replied. "This is me, Little Mouse, and I'm taking everything I deserve!"

Gwen tried to fight against him, pounding at his chest with her fists.

The snakes wrapped around her, keeping her wrists tied together.

Jamil pulled Gwen close to his face, looking right into her eyes. "Be a good girl for me... and take a little nap." He commanded.

Gwen tried to fight against it, but the pain hurt too much. She slumped against Jamil's chest, now fast asleep.

Jamil sighed, holding Gwen close to his chest, an almost peaceful smile on his face.

"Hey!" Floyd snarled. "Get your hands off of my Shrimpy!"

"Put her down!" Jade demanded.

"Gwen wake up!" Grim shouted.

"Don't touch her!" Azul shouted.

"Jamil let her go!" Kalim begged.

Jamil glared at the others. "Incompetent kings, con artists... I have no use for any of you!" He declared. "To the ends of the earth with you! And never return!"

Magic began to build up in the air.


The boys screamed as they were launched into the air, out of Scarabia, and into the dessert.

"NICE SHOOOOOOT!" Jamil cackled victoriously. "FUHAHAHAHA!"

Jamil twirled around, holding Gwen as close to him as possible and laughing. "Farewell, Kalim!! Hyah hah hah hah!"

Jamil sighed, looking down at the sleeping girl in his arms. "Ah, my little queen..." He pressed a long kiss to her forehead. "You fit so perfectly in my arms."

Jamil turned his attention to the hypnotized students. "Clean this mess up!" He commanded. "And prepare the lounge. We're going to celebrate!"

"Yes, master!" The hypnotized masses replied, splitting off to do their various tasks.

Jamil walked towards the lounge, only pausing long enough for one of his snakes to Gwen's paintbrush off of the ground.

"I'll just keep a hold of this for now..." Jamil decided. "But first... I think my Little Mouse deserves a more fitting outfit."

Jamil laughed as he ran the brush along the ink on his arm. "Aren't I fortunate you told me how you use it? And with this newfound power... I can use it as well."

Jamil flicked the paintbrush, and red ink shot out of it, coating Gwen's clothes and shifting them into something else.

"And so you don't try to fight back..." Gold cuffs wrapped around Gwen's wrists, chained together.

Jamil smiled, cradling Gwen's face against his. "Our kingdom awaits us."

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