❤️ The Duel

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The next morning, Gwen woke up before the others, and went to her room to change. Grim walked in just as she finished up.

"Oh! You're already up." Grim said. "Did you sleepwalk anymore last night?"

"You sleepwalked again, Girlie?" Ace asked walking into her room.

Gwen winced. "Just once..." She muttered.

Ace shook his head. "Today is the day! Let's get going."

"But first, breakfast." Deuce said, his stomach growling.

After a hearty breakfast, the group started making their way to Heartslabuyl. Gwen shivered midway through their journey. His hearts' almost full! Oh, Riddle!

"Gwen, are you cold?" Deuce asked.

"Just caught a sudden chill." Gwen lied. She didn't know how to explain the visions she got.

"Then you can take my blazer this time." Ace said, shrugging it off. He tossed it onto her shoulders, a slight blush on his face.

"Golly! Thanks, Ace." Gwen beamed, buttoning it up. "I'll take care of it!"

"Yeah, whatever." Ace huffed, looking away.

The four made their way through the mirror and just on the outskirts of the rose maze. All of Heartslabuyl had gathered there, Trey, Cater, and Riddle amongst them. Headmaster Crowley was there as well.

Gwen noticed that the other Heartslabuyl students had made a very wide circle. Crowley, Riddle, Ace, and Deuce stood in the circle. Gwen and Grim stood next to Trey and Cater.

Cater reached out and grabbed Gwen's hand, turning his head slightly to look down at her. He pressed a kiss to her palm, an apologetic look on his face.

Gwen blushed. She squeezed his hand, an equally apologetic look on hers. "Are we friends again, Cay-kun?" She asked in a whisper.

"Of course, Gwen-Chan." Cater grinned softly.

Crowley raised his hand, drawing all eyes to him. "Shortly, the decisive match for the title of Heartslabuyl Dorm Leader will begin." He gestured towards Ace and Deuce. "The challengers are Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade." Crowley gestured to Riddle. "Defending his title is the current dorm leader, Riddle Rosehearts."

Gwen blinked, narrowing her eyes. The jewel on Riddle's pen... had it always been such a dark shade of red? The sight of it unsettled her.

Crowley turned to face Riddle. "In accordance with the rules of this decisive match please remove the magic sealing collar handicap."

Riddle flicked his pen, and the collars unlocked, fading away. Ace breathed a sigh of relief, massaging his neck. "That collar is finally off!"

"Don't worry, you'll have it back soon enough." Riddle assured. "Savor the taste of freedom while you can. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard you wanted to challenge me. Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Most definitely." Ace confirmed.

"I wouldn't challenge you as a joke." Deuce said.

"Hm. Whatever. Let us begin." Riddle said.

Cater let go of Gwen's hand to slide closer to Riddle. "Riddle, what do you want to do about afternoon tea?" He asked.

"That's a silly question." Riddle replied. "The rules state that teatime always happens at 4pm sharp on the nose."

Cater looked at his phone. "But it's already past 3:30..." He noted.

"Do you think I'll ever be late?" Riddle asked. "This ordeal will be over shortly."

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