🐍 Mancala

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"Hooray~~~ I win!" Floyd cheered. "That makes it my third!"

"You make a good opponent when you can actually focus." Jamil praised.

"Ffgya! I lost again!" Grim pouted. "You don't hold back do you!"

"This makes 5 wins and 0 losses for me but as a member of the board game club I have a reputation to uphold." Azul bragged, pressing a kiss to Gwen's neck, who was sitting in his lap. "Your ratio was 3 losses to 2 wins, yes?" He said to Jamil.

"Hm?" Jamil turned his attention to Azul. "It's been a while so I guess I'm rusty. Kalim used to make me play with him for hours on end until he finally won... even though I'm not very good."

"I see." Azul adjusted his glasses. "So that's it?"

"You see?" Jamil repeated. "You're a weird guy. Gwen, do you wanna play this next round?"

"Yes!" Gwen crawled out of Azul's lap and into Floyd's to play against Jamil.

"I was just talking to myself." Azul explained, looking upset at the loss of Gwen in his lap. "You and Kalim grew up together, is that correct?"

"Yeah, as long as I can remember..." Jamil said as he and Gwen started to play. "That's right, aren't the three of you childhood friends too?"

"Seems that way~" Floyd shrugged, starting to play with Gwen's hair.

"Seems that way?" Grim asked. "That's an odd way to put it y'know."

"Apparently we've been in the same class since elementary school but the first time I noticed him was right before middle school." Floyd explained. "So, like, we don't really have any childhood friend memories."

"I dunno, I'd still count that." Gwen said.

"I was a calm and respectable student so I didn't really stand out." Azul shrugged.

"Yeah, you probably stood out for a different reason, like how wide... mmmhhgggg!" Grim started to say, but Azul shot forward to cover his mouth.

"Grim, I have told you time and time again to keep that to yourself!" Azul said through clenched teeth.

"And now you're the dorm head?" Jamil asked. "You guys have a strange relationship."

"Really?" Floyd shrugged. "I only listen to what Azul says 'cause it's so much fun."

"Neither Jade or Floyd have any intention of being obedient to me." Azul explained. "It's more like we're playing the part."

"Playing the parts of master and servant?" Jamil wondered. "I don't really get that."

"If the day ever comes that I make a mistake as leader... or choose the boring option..." Azul continued. "Then the two of them would turn on me to take the seat of dorm head for themselves. Although, I have no intention of losing if that time comes."

"I'm not gonna challenge you, for now." Floyd promised.

"So you're all on equal terms." Jamil stated.

"We stay together 'cause it's fun and if it gets boring, then, bye-bye." Floyd corrected.

Gwen stiffened on his lap. Floyd and Jade would leave Azul if it got boring? Would they leave her if she got boring? Would Azul leave her too!?

The others seemed oblivious to the poor girl's growing distress.

"Besides, vice dorm head ain't some retainer." Floyd continued. "This is normal."

"It's normal, huh." Jamil's expression turned wistful. "I've been a servant of the Asim family since I was born so that's just something I can't wrap my mind around. The master is the master and the servant is the servant. Until death."

Azul gave Jamil a calculating look.

Kalim walked into the room. "Oh, what's up guys. You're still up?"

"Eh!?" Jamil looked at the white haired boy in shock.

"Hm?" Kalim walked closer to inspect the game they were playing. "Oh, mancala! I haven't played that in forever but Jamil and I used to go at it for hours. Desert Lily, do you wanna play a round with me?" He asked, taking a seat besides them.

"Sure, I'd love to!" Gwen beamed.

"Don't let her smile fool you!" Grim warned. "She's a master at this game!"

"Oh?" Kalim tilted his head. "You've played this before?"

"I'm not sure." Gwen shrugged. "I think so, but I have no idea where I've played it or who I've played it with. Maybe Myz? They travelled all over the world and brought a lot of cool things home with them."

"Well, I'll be sure to give you a challenge." Kalim grinned.

"Weren't you already asleep?" Jamil questioned, interrupting their conversation. "Why... aren't I always telling you not to wander around on your own? What if you get kidnapped again..."

"Kidnapped!?" Gwen asked.

"You're such a worrywart." Kalim rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Jade was with me."

"Huh? Jade?" Jamil asked, not looking assured in the slightest.

"Yes, I was with him the whole time." Jade assured as he walked into the room.

Jamil looked like he was barely containing his anger.

"Kalim is a truly kind person." Jade praised. "He took the time to explain so much for me..."

"The hell d'you do to him?" Jamil demanded.

"What... did I do?" Jade repeated. "Why, all we did was enjoy a nice long talk. Right, Kalim?"

"Yup." Kalim nodded. "I was showing him around the treasure vault."

"Gggh..." Jamil looked furious.

"Oh yeah, Jamil." Kalim turned to his vice dorm leader. "Do you know what happened to that blue and silver carpet? I know we bought one with us but I couldn't find it just now."

Jamil stood up, grabbing Kalim by the arm. "Let's go, Kalim."

"Eh, what's wrong?" Kalim asked as Jamil started to drag him away.

"Just go back to your room!" Jamil snapped.

"Waah!?" Kalim stumbled after him. "Fine, I get it, you don't have to yank on me! Sorry, Jade. I'll find it for you later! Good night Desert Lily!"

"Alright." Jade smiled. "Until we meet again. Fufufu."

Gwen shivered as the orange heart filled with more ink.

"Jamil!" She shouted, standing.

Jamil paused, turning to look at her. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Uh... it's nothing important." Gwen said, tugging at her sleeve. "I just wanted to say goodnight."

Jamil smiled. "Goodnight."

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