❤️ While She Slept

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A birthday gift from me to you! I'm 19 today!

Crowley felt disgusted with himself. What kind of headmaster was he? To have a student Overblot in front of him... and now, Miss Brookes lay dead to the world in the hospital wing. He didn't understand why, though. All of her wounds were healed, so was this a mental issue? And those awful scars...

Gwen took a deep breath, distracting him from his thoughts. Crowley stood up. "I'll have to go now, Miss Brookes. I have important business to attend to."

He gently combed his fingers through her hair. Really, it was a shame what had happened to it. Perhaps Mr. Schoenheit would help. "I shall come back as soon as i have time. Perhaps I'll bring one of my favorites books to read! Aren't I gracious?"


Crewel paced around the room, while his husband sat in a chair. "I just don't understand Ashton! I've tried an awakening potion, but she just won't wake up!"

"I'm sure she will when she's ready." Vargas said.

Crewel paused in his pacing, going into a slouch. "She's just a little girl. She was our responsibility, and we've failed her."

Vargas stood up, crossing the room to wrap his arms around his husband. "Now, now, Divus. She's stronger than she looks. Not everyone has the courage to charge at someone in Overblot like she did."

"Pfft..." Crewel shook his head. "When did you get to be the comforting one in this relationship?"

"Hasn't it always been this way?" Vargas asked. "It's almost time for class. We should go."

The two turned to the bed. "Goodbye Gwen." Crewel said. "We'll be back soon."


Lucius hopped on the bed and curled up next to the sleeping girl. Normally, the girl would instantly pet him, but she didn't stir. Trein sighed, settling down in the chair beside her.

Trein never said a word when he visited. He didn't believe she could hear anyone. If she hadn't awoken to the sound of Crowley's over dramatic sobs, then she was too deep in her dreams to hear them.

Still, Trein made the time to sit with her. It would be awful for the girl to wake up and be alone. The situation reminded Trein of long nights watching over his sons while they were sick. Hmm, he should give them a call.


"You'd be surprised at the amount of flowers I've sold." Sam said. "Everyone in school is trying to give you gifts." He chuckled. "Especially your friends in Heartslabuyl."

Sam pulled something out of his pocket. "Here, a gift from me and my friends on the other side." He hung it above her bed. "A dreamcatcher. To make sure you only have good dreams."

Sam sighed. "Well, I have a shop to get to. Don't keep me waiting for too long, you hear?"


Ace and Deuce had taken responsibility for Grim while Gwen slept. The three were her most faithful visitors. Crowley usually had to come shoo them out so that they would go to class.

"You need to wake up soon girlie." Ace said. "It's been six days. We can't have a Revenge Unbirthday Party without you."

Deuce nodded. "Yeah, besides, you need to explain why you have magic now."

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