🐙 The Little Mermaid

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Azul finally pulled away from Gwen. Gwen gasped for air, her head falling against his chest. No matter how much she wheezed for breath, it was getting harder to breathe.

"Gwen!" Ace tried to run to her, but Jade sent a punch into his gut.

"It's alright, Angelfish." Azul cooed, sweeping Gwen into his arms. He turned and swiftly began to leave.

Jack growled and moved to grab him, but Floyd sent him flying into the wall. "Sirius!!"

Azul rushed into the Mostro Lounge, Gwen starting to panic and flail in his arms as the potion took effect. Jade, Floyd, and the other four idiots were on his heels.

Azul booked it for the fish tank, climbing up the stairs. Once he was at the top, he dropped Gwen, letting her fall into the tank.

It took a minute for Gwen to calm down and process what was going on. She looked around the tank, then down at herself. Azul had turned her back into a mermaid.

"Gwen!" Grim rushed up to the glass. "Let my minion go!" He demanded.

Azul chuckled. "An anemone giving me orders?" He laughed. "Gwen violated the contract. The contract which said she belonged to me if she failed to uphold it. Thus..." He gestured to the tank, where Gwen had swum right up to the glass.

"That's not fair!" Ace shouted. "Gwen still has a day and a half!"

"Hmm..." Azul hummed. "That's true. And considering she's only half a student..." He turned to Grim. "The remaining time will belong to you now, Grim. Get me what I want, and I'll uphold the deal. Otherwise, Angelfish is staying right here."

"I'll do it!" Grim shouted. "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"Grim!" Gwen cried, tears in her eyes.

"Very well then." Azul agreed. "Now, I'm not without benevolence. I'll let you say goodbye."

The group rushed the fish tank.

"Gwen..." Grim whimpered. "You'll be okay, right!?"

"Don't worry about me Grim." Gwen's voice was muffled by the glass. "Just get that photo, okay?" She tried to be reassuring, but her tears gave her true feelings away.

"Gwen, I'll get you out of here!" Ace vowed.

"I trust you." Gwen smiled at him.

"It's gonna be okay!" Deuce assured her. "We'll save you."

"I know you can do it." Gwen smiled, tears running down her face.

Jack put a hand on the glass, Gwen copying his action so that the only thing between their hands was the glass. "I love you." He said, leaning his forehead against the glass.

"I love you too!" Gwen echoed.

Jack growled, then turned away, booking it into the VIP room, the others following behind them.

"Jack, what are you doing?!" Ace asked. "We proved this wouldn't work!"

"I don't care!" Jack snarled, sounding like a wolf. "My Sirius is in danger!"

"Your time limit is tomorrow at sunset." Jade reminded, stepping into the room. He was followed by Floyd and Azul. "You really don't have time."

"Shrimpy's gonna be safe with us!" Floyd assured them. "Can't say the same for you."

"We'll be back!" Deuce promised.

"Shit, I'm no good at summoning magic but..." Ace held up his wand. "Come forth, cauldron!"

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