🐙 Leona's Plan

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"I'm getting really fed up with this game of tag." Floyd pouted.

"It's only a bit longer." Jade comforted. "Try to keep your momentum."

"Grim, the sun is going to set at this rate." Jack warned.

"This plan will work!" Grim assured.


"Fufu... Jade and Floyd must be doing a wonderful job." Azul said to himself. "Angelfish and that photo are already mine." Azul chuckled, which evolved into full blown laughter.

Azul would have liked to have spent the remaining time with his Angelfish, but he had work to do. He assured her that he was only a moment away, and left her to play in the tank. Once the sun set, perhaps he'd turn her back and take her on a date!

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Pardon the intrusion!" One of his workers, a boy from his dorm, rushed in.

"What is all the fuss about?" Azul asked. "Is Angelfish alright?"

"S-she's fine!" The student assured. "I'm terribly sorry but there is a problem in Mostro Lounge..."

"What is it?" Azul asked, standing up.

"A bunch of rowdy customers are causing a scene in the lounge and since Jade and Floyd aren't here right now..." The student trailed off, looking nervous.

"Unbelievable." Azul walked around his desk to walk to the door. "Have they not been taught to not stir up trouble in a restaurant? Understood, I'll head over. Jade and Floyd should have no problem handling things on their end. My goodness..."


Gwen had been swimming around in her tank all day, occasionally talking to one of the other Octavinelle students. It was obvious many of them felt bad about her imprisonment, but none wanted to go against the dorm leader.

Once the Lounge opened, it was instantly flooded with students. Strangely, Gwen noted that they were all from Savanaclaw. Several of them came up to the tank and asked if she was alright. A few assured her she'd be out soon.

Gwen giggled as she watched the chaos, wondering what the plan was.


"What the...?" Azul was taken aback. "How is it already this crowded just after opening?!"

"Hey!" One student demanded. "Get those drinks over here already!"

"Meat! Meat!" Another student snickered.

"Hey, asshole, that's the meat I ordered!" A third snapped.

"Make some room in here." Azul commanded. "Coming through!"

Azul was so distracted by what was happening that he didn't pay attention to the student he bumped into. "Apologies." He said absentmindedly, not even looking the other boy in the face.

"Don't worry about it." Ruggie smirked as he walked away. "Shishishi."

"My glass is empty over here!" A student snapped.

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