🍎 Journey to the Past

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Author's note: I tried... I tried so hard to find a ballet dance set to this song. I'm so so sorry. Also, I tried my best to describe Gwen's dance.

"And now we only have one audition left." Vil said. "Sweet Potato, you're up next."

"Oh um..." Gwen looked a little nervous. "I told Rook about this, so I don't know if he told you but..."

Vil smiled before cutting off her off. "Relax. Rook told me everything. Go ahead and show us the performance you've planned."

"Oh golly... okay, let's do this." Gwen took a deep breath as she stepped into the center of the room, watching as Rook switched out the music.

What had happened was that Gwen simply could not adapt her style of dance to try and keep up with the chosen song. It was something that had caused her a lot of distress, and she had been very close to just not auditioning.

It was Rook who came to her rescue in the end. "If this song isn't right for you, choose a different one." He had suggested. "Don't worry about what Vil might think, I'll handle everything."

And so here was Gwen, with her own audition piece with a different song from everyone else. Here goes nothing.

Heart, don't fail me now!
Courage, don't desert me!

Gwen picked this song for two reasons. One, she vaguely remembered she did a show before in this outfit with this song. Second... this song meant a good deal to her emotionally. Everything she did here just helped her reclaim her missing memories.

Don't turn back now that we're here.
People always say
Life is full of choices.
No one ever mentions fear!

Rook looked completely enamored by her performance. Vil kept a poker face as always, but he did lean forward slightly in his seat.

Or how the world can seem so vast
On a journey ... to the past.

Gwen did a quick chassé, her dainty little feet chasing after the other.

Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong!

Epel's jaw dropped, and he looked like he was seeing an angel.

Ace had a smirk on his face, but he was keeping his mouth shut for once in his life.

Deuce's face had turned a bright red and he was almost having trouble looking.

Grim looked proud at his minion, tail swaying to the melody.

Arms will open wide.
I'll be safe and wanted
Fin'lly home where I belong.

Some of the others who were auditioning were curious about Gwen's performance, and poked their heads through the doorway to watch.

Well, starting now, I'm learning fast
On this journey to the past Home, Love, Family.

Cater had pulled out his phone and was live streaming the whole thing, wanting everyone to see just how cute Gwen could be.

Ruggie was grinning widely, and was so glad Gwen went last. He wouldn't have been able to focus if she had gone first.

Lilia was also filming Gwen with a big grin on his face. He couldn't wait to show Malleus and the other boys.

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