🦁 Consequences

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Author's Note: Hey guys. Um... I just noticed that a lot of people were calling Myz "Him". And it... kinda bugged me. Yes, Myz was born male. But Myz goes by They/Them.

Sorry, this probably sounds pretentious, but it just really bugged me for some reason. Onto the chapter!

"Hey! Wake up!!" A voice called.

"Huh?" Leona slowly opened his eyes. Grim grinned at him.

"You're finally awake!" Grim cheered. "We weren't sure what to do if you stayed passed out like that!"

Riddle nodded. "Yes, and now you can let go of Gwen."

Leona looked down to see Gwen curled up in his arms, still asleep. Riddle reached out to take her, but instinctively, Leona held her closer to his chest and snarled. Riddle flinched back, looking furious.

Unfortunately, Leona's actions caused Gwen to wake up. "Mmh... Leona?" Gwen looked up at him, sleepily. "Oh! We did it!" She sat up in his grasp, giving him a hug.

Gwen climbed out of his lap and into Riddle and Cater's arms. Leona frowned at the loss. Gwen whispered something into their ears and the two nodded before taking off.

Grim glared at Leona. "Now then, go ahead and confess that all of the accidents were part of your plan."

Gwen giggled as Leona cast a wide-eyed innocent look on his face. "What... come again?"

"Mr. Kingscholar." Crowley approached the group. "You fell into an Overblot rampage due to being consumed by blot and negative energy. Do you not remember?"

Crowley turned to fuss over Gwen. "Are you okay? Where are you hurt? Did Kingscholar hurt you?!"

"No, I'm fine!" Gwen assured him. "Leona didn't hurt me... he just kissed me."

"WHAT!?" Crowley squawked.

Leona rubbed at his temples. "I went on a rampage... Overblot? You're kidding..." He muttered. Then he froze. "Wait, I did what to her?!" His ears pressed flat against his head as he remembered what he did. Leona pressed a hand to his lips, remembering the feel of her lips against his.

"More importantly, the magical shift tournament is about to begin." Grim interrupted. "If you don't confess we can't get our prize and play in the tournament!"

"Huh?" Leona asked. "What're you talking about?"

"They went after you in order to get permission from the Headmaster to play in the magical shift tournament." Jack explained.

"Eh?" Ruggie gave Gwen and Grim a surprised look. "You did it for something like that?"

"Something like that!?" Grim hissed. "You went around injuring people for something like that."

"Ugh, th-that's... right, I guess." Ruggie was forced to admit.

"Then it's safe to assume that the series of accidents around campus were all your dorm's doing?" Crowley asked Leona.

Leona sighed. "Yeah, they were."

"Understood." Crowley nodded. "Then, first of all, Savanaclaw Dorm is disqualified from this year's tournament. Further punishment will be decided after I have discussed it with those that you injured. Is that clear?"

Leona scowled, crossing his arms. "Crystal."

"Headmaster, please wait a moment." Riddle called. Riddle and Cater were leading a small group towards Crowley and the others.

"Mr. Rosehearts?" Crowley asked. "And you all are..."

"Yes." Riddle gestured to Trey and Jamil behind him, as well as the other students Gwen recognized as Ruggie's victims. "They are all the victims in the accidents."

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